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All Schools/Departments/Centres/Units
School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Chinese Medicine
School of Nursing
School of Public Health
Department of Anaesthesiology
Department of Clinical Oncology
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Department of Emergency Medicine
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Department of Medicine
Department of Microbiology
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Department of Pathology
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Surgery
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit
Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education
All Major Research Areas
Biomedical Engineering
Brain & Cognitive Sciences
Cancer Biology & Therapeutics
Cardiometabolic Diseases & Healthy Ageing
Data Science / Big Data / AI Applications in Biomedicine & Health
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Genomic & Precision Medicine
Global Public Health
Integrative & Complementary Medicine
Novel Medical Devices
Preventive Medicine
Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Structural, Synthetic & Computational Biology
All Supervisors
Dr Bao, XC (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Blakeley, PD (Surgery)
Dr Chan, DW (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Dr Chan, JCH (Ophthalmology)
Dr Chan, SY (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Dr Chan, VSF (Medicine)
Dr Cheung, WHP (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Dr Chiang, AKS (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Dr Ching, YP (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Gao, B (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Grépin, KA (Public Health)
Dr Ho, DSY (Public Health)
Dr Hui, CLM (Psychiatry)
Dr Kiang, KMY (Surgery)
Dr Lai, YKA (Nursing)
Dr Lam, JKW (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Dr Lee, CL (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Dr Lee, CW (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Lee, JJJ (Nursing)
Dr Leung, VYL (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Dr Li, RHW (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Dr Lim, LW (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Liu, JAJ (Anaesthesiology)
Dr Luk, TT (Nursing)
Dr Montero Barril, D (Public Health)
Dr Ng, L (Surgery)
Dr Ngan, OMY (MEHU)
Dr Singh, GHH (Medicine)
Dr Tan, ZW (Microbiology)
Dr Tey, SK (Surgery)
Dr Valkenburg, S (Public Health)
Dr Vardhanabhuti, VV (Diagnostic Radiology)
Dr Wong, CKH (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Dr Woo, CWH (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Dr Zhao J (Chinese Medicine)
Dr Zheng, B (Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education)
Dr Zhou ZY (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Prof Au Yeung, RSL (Public Health)
Prof Chan, D (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Chan, DTM (Medicine)
Prof Chan, JFW (Microbiology)
Prof Chan, JYK (Ophthalmology)
Prof Chan, KKL (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Chan, KW (Psychiatry)
Prof Chan, MCW (Public Health)
Prof Chan, SHS (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Chang, RCC (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Chang, WC (Psychiatry)
Prof Chen, EYH (Psychiatry)
Prof Chen, HY (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Chen, ZW (Microbiology)
Prof Cheung, ANY(Pathology)
Prof Cheung, BMY (Medicine)
Prof Cheung, CW (Anaesthesiology)
Prof Cheung, DYT (Nursing)
Prof Cheung, JPY (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Cheung, KMC (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Cheung, LWT (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Cheung, MCH (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Cheung, MKS (Medicine)
Prof Cheung, RTF (Medicine)
Prof Cheung, ST (Nursing)
Prof Cheung, YF (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Chiu, PCN (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Chow, ASF (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Prof Chung, BHY (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Chung, CYS (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Chung, KKA (Psychiatry)
Prof Dai, W (Clinical Oncology)
Prof El Helali, A (Clinical Oncology)
Prof Feng, YB (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Fong, DYT (Nursing)
Prof Fraide A (Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education)
Prof Gearin, AD (MEHU)
Prof Grepin, KA (Public Health)
Prof Hervás Millán, R (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Ho, DWH (Pathology)
Prof Ho, JWK (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Ho, SL (Medicine)
Prof Hu, Y (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Huang, JD (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Huang, YH (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Huen, MSY (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Hung, IFN (Medicine)
Prof Ip, PPC (Pathology)
Prof Irwin, MG (Anaesthesiology)
Prof J Sou Da Rosa Duque (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Jauch, R (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Javed, A (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Jin, DY (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Khoo, US (Pathology)
Prof Kong, SFM (Clinical Oncology)
Prof Kwan, KYH (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Kwok, YY (Nursing)
Prof Kwon, SC (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Kwong, A (Surgery)
Prof Kwong, DLW (Clinical Oncology)
Prof Lai, CSW (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Lam, CLK (Family Medicine and Primary Care)
Prof Lam, DCL (Medicine)
Prof Lam, TH (Public Health)
Prof Lam, WWT (Public Health)
Prof Lau, CS (Medicine)
Prof Lau, GKK (Medicine)
Prof Lau, YL (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Law, SYK (Surgery)
Prof Lee, A (Ophthalmology)
Prof Lee, CKF (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Lee EYP (Diagnostic Radiology)
Prof Lee, PPW (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Leung, AYH (Medicine)
Prof Leung, CKS (Ophthalmology)
Prof Leung, GKK (Surgery)
Prof Leung, SWS (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Prof Leung, SY (Pathology)
Prof Leung, WH (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Li, PH (Medicine)
Prof Li, SX (Medicine)
Prof Liao, QY (Public Health)
Prof Lin, CC (Nursing)
Prof Lin, X (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Ling, HGS (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Liu, K (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Liu, PT (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Liu, Y (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Lo, ACY (Ophthalmology)
Prof Lo, CM (Surgery)
Prof Lo, HKY (Psychiatry)
Prof Lu, HN (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Lu, LW (Pathology)
Prof Lu, WWJ (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Lui, SSY (Psychiatry)
Prof Lui, VCH (Surgery)
Prof Lung, ML (Clinical Oncology)
Prof Ma, KHT (Pathology)
Prof Ma, SKY (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Man, K (Surgery)
Prof Na, Y (Surgery)
Prof Ng, EHY (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Ng, IOL (Pathology)
Prof Ng, MY (Diagnostic Radiology)
Prof Ngan, ESW (Surgery)
Prof Ngan, HYS (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Ni, MY (Public Health)
Prof Ni, T (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Qian, C (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Quan, JC (Public Health)
Prof Rainer, TH (Emergency Medicine)
Prof Rong, JH (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Seto, WWK (Medicine)
Prof Sin, CF (Pathology)
Prof Siu, PMF (Public Health)
Prof Sham, PC (Psychiatry)
Prof Shea, GKH (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Shen, JG (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Shih, DJH (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Sridhar,S (Microbiology)
Prof Suen, YN (Nursing)
Prof Sugimura, RR (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Tam, PKH (Surgery)
Prof Tang, CSM (Surgery)
Prof Tang, SCW (Medicine)
Prof Tanner, JA (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Teo, KC (Medicine)
Prof Ti, JSC (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Tian, LW (Public Health)
Prof To, KKW (Microbiology)
Prof Tse, HF (Medicine)
Prof Tso, WWY (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Wan, EYF (Family Medicine and Primary Care)
Prof Wang, MP (Nursing)
Prof Wang, N (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Wang, WP (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Prof Wang, Y (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Prof Wong, ASL (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Wong, CCL (Pathology)
Prof Wong, GTC (Anaesthesiology)
Prof Wong, JCM (Pathology)
Prof Wong, JSH (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Wong, JWH (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Wong, SS (Public Health)
Prof Wong, SSC (Anaesthesiology)
Prof Wong, TCL (Surgery)
Prof Xu, A (Medicine)
Prof Yam, JWP (Pathology)
Prof Yan, HHN (Pathology)
Prof Yang, WL (Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)
Prof Yap, DYH (Medicine)
Prof Yen, HL (Public Health)
Prof Yeung, KWK (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Yeung, MCF (Pathology)
Prof Yeung, PML (Microbiology)
Prof Yeung, WSB (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
Prof Yiu, KH (Medicine)
Prof Yu, CH (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Yuen, JKY (Medicine)
Prof Yung, SSY (Medicine)
Prof Zanin, MP (School of Public Health)
Prof Zhang, T (Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
Prof Zhang, ZJ (Chinese Medicine)
Prof Zhao, J (School of Public Health)
Prof Zhou, JJ (Microbiology)
Prof Zhou, K (Biomedical Sciences)
Prof Zhou, ZJ (Biomedical Sciences)
All Programmes
URIS (UG Research Internship Scheme)
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Department of Anaesthesiology | Professor GTC Wong
Investigating the Mechanisms of Post Operative Neuroinflammation Using Animal Models
Department of Anaesthesiology | Professor SSC Wong
Persistent opioid use after surgery
Department of Anaesthesiology | Professor SSC Wong
The Effect of Regional Anaesthesia and Analgesia Using Liposomal Bupivacaine
Department of Anaesthesiology | Professor MG Irwin
The Effects of Anaesthetic Drugs and Opioids on Tumour Organoids
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor MCH Cheung
A Study of the Expression and Therapeutic Potential of DLC1 Isoform 1 in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor K Zhou
AI-based protein design
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor R Hervás Millán
Amyloids as Substrate of Biological Functions
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JWK Ho
Artificial Intelligence, mHealth and Big Data in Medicine
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CH Yu
Cell-Matrix Adhesion Stability and Microtubule Organisation
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CH Yu
Chemical and Optogentical Approaches to Investigate Cellular Phosphatidylinositol Biogenesis
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor ZJ Zhou
Contribution of Stem Cell Maintenance to Ageing
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CSW Lai
Cortical excitation and inhibition in targeted memory reactivation during sleep
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CH Yu
Cytoskeletal Regulations to Suppress Cancer Invadopodia
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor T Ni
Decipher the Structure and Mechanism of Coronavirus Non-structural Proteins
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor RR Sugimura
Design and examine chimeric SIRPA molecules to modulate macrophage behavior in the tumor
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CYS Chung
Develop New Covalent Drug Lead Compounds to Target Undruggable Proteins for Effective Cancer Therapy
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JD Huang
Developing vaccines against aging
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor YH Huang
Development of deep learning methods for biomedical informatics
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JD Huang
Development of therapeutic cancer vaccine
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JSC Ti
Dissecting the Molecular Mechanism by Which Human Tubulin Isotypes Regulate the Polymerisation Dynamics and Stability of Microtubules
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor HGS Ling
Elucidate the Effects of Chronic Inflammation on CD8+T Cell Metabolism and Exhaustion
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor MCH Cheung
Elucidating the Molecular Regulation of SNAIL2 Stability for Neural Crest Cells Undergoing Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Developing Chick Embryos
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JWH Wong
Evaluation of Commercial Next-Generation Sequencing Mutation Testing for Targeted Cancer Therapy
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor PT Liu
Expanded Potential Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine, Immunotherapy, and Biotechnology
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor PT Liu
Expanded Potential Stem Cells for Studying Human Disease and for Regenerative Medicine and Cancer
School of Biomedical Sciences | Dr XC Bao
Functional characterization of H4K12succ-mediated histone chaperone activity of C1QBP
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor DJH Shih
Harnessing high-throughput sequencing for cancer precision medicine
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor ASL Wong
High-Throughput Engineering of CRISPR and Therapeutic Proteins
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor ASL Wong
In Search for Novel Combination Therapies for Cancers
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CYS Chung
Integrated Chemical Biology Approach to Study Redox Signalling and Its Associations with Cancer
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CH Yu
Integrin-Mediated Signaling in Cell Adhesion, Migration and Invasion
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JD Huang
Investigating humoral immune response through the use of Artificial Intelligence
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JWH Wong
Investigating Mutational Processes in Cancer Genomes
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor RCC Chang
Investigating the Impact of Systemic Immune Responses in Neuroimmune Responses and Neurodegeneration
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor RCC Chang
Investigating the Modulating Effects of Microbiota in Neuroinflammation/Neurodegeneration
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JSC Ti
Investigating the Molecular Mechanism by Which Human Tubulin Isotypes Regulate the Mechanical Properties of Microtubules
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor YH Huang
Machine Learning Methods for Analysing Single-Cell Genomic Data
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor DJH Shih
Mapping the genomic landscape of cancers
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor Y Liu
Mechanistic study of H3.3-H4 deposition mediated by histone chaperone DAXX in ATRX-dependent and ATRX-independent pathway
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor C Qian
Mechanistic understanding of epigenetic inheritance during DNA replication
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor CH Yu
Mechanobiology of Rho GTPase Regulation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JWK Ho
Metagenomics and Cancer
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor A Javed
Method Development and Application of Single-Cell Technologies
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor T Ni
Method Development in CryoET
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor DY Jin
Molecular Basis of Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA Transcription and Maintenance
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor DY Jin
Molecular Mechanism of Epstein-Barr Virus Persistence and Transformation
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor R Jauch
Phd with PACE - Protein and Cell Engineering Laboratory
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JSC Ti
Postdoctoral/PhD Position in Biochemistry and Biophysics Lab of Dr Shih-Chieh Ti
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor DJH Shih
Re-defining mutational processes in cancers
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor SC Kwon
RNA Biology and Genome Engineering
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JWK Ho
Scalable Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Translation
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor ZJ Zhou
Stem Cell Decline in SIRT6 Deficient Ageing Mice
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor Y Liu
The role histone chaperone FACT plays in maintaining the “onco-histones” in the cancer genome
School of Biomedical Sciences | Dr XC Bao
The role of SIRT7 mediated de-acylation in controlling T cell differentiation and autoimmune diseases
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor MSY Huen
Towards Defining DNA Damage Detection and Repair Control
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor D Chan
Understanding Progenitor Cells in the Formation of the Skeleton for Regenerative Medicine
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor ASL Wong
Using CRISPR for Combination Therapy Screens
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor Y Liu
Virus immediate-early transactivator IE1 re-distributes the host chromatin organization
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JH Rong
Protein Nanoparticles for Organ-Targeting Delivery of Drugs
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JG Shen
Artificial Intelligence Recognitions for Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Patterns and its Correlation Study with Body Constitution Types in Healthy Human Subjects
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor YB Feng
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Investigation to Understand the Treatment Principle of Chinese Medicine
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor ZJ Zhang
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Combination of Novel Acupuncture and Manual Therapy in Elderly with Dementia
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor HY Chen
Blockade of Smad3 Attenuates Diabetic Nephropathy via Suppressing C-Reactive Protein-Mediated NLPR3 Inflammasome Activation
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JG Shen
Chemical Biology for Molecular Medicine: Oxidative and Redox Regulation in Brain Damage and Application for Drug Discovery to Treat Ischaemic Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor YB Feng
Chinese Medicine Compounds in the Treatment of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor YB Feng
Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Obesity and Diabetic Mellitus
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor ZJ Zhang
Developing Effective Treatment Strategies from Acupuncture and Chinese Medicines for Major Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor HY Chen
Investigating the molecular mechanisms of and potential therapeutics for acute and chronic kidney diseases
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor ZJ Zhang
Mechanistic and efficacy studies of acupuncture and brain stimulation for psychiatric disease
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor HY Chen
Mettl3-mediated m6A modification of Ndrg1 promotes acute kidney injury (AKI) sensitivity in diabetic nephropathy
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor N Wang
Novel Therapeutic Targets and Mechanisms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Treating Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancers and Metabolic Disorders
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JH Rong
Roles of Protein SUMOylation in Myocardial Infarction
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JH Rong
Identification of molecular targets for herbal active compounds with special regard to the covalent conjugation
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor JG Shen
Stem Cell Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Brain Repair in Post-Stroke Treatment
School of Chinese Medicine | Professor X Lin
Therapeutic Potential of Chinese Medicines in Treating Primary Sjögren's Syndrome
School of Chinese Medicine | Dr J Zhao
Traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of Depression and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor A El Helali
A Pharmacogenomics Study to Identify Predictive Biomarkers for Immune-Mediated Toxicity
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor SFM Kong
Blood Immune Biomarkers to Guide Personalised Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor SFM Kong
Blood Immune Biomarkers to Guide Personalised Immunotherapy in Solid Tumours
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor DLW Kwong
Cold-Hot Interplay Between Immune Cells and Stromal Cells in Tumour Microenvironment
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor A El Helali
Comprehensive Assessment to Determine the Efficacy of PARP Inhibitors in Nasopharyngeal Cancer
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor DLW Kwong
Immunochemotherapeutic Approach to Overcome the Current Issues of Efficient Cancer Therapy
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor W Dai
Understanding NPC Molecular Subtypes Associated with Clinical Outcome and Their Impact on Tumour Microenvironment
Department of Clinical Oncology | Professor DLW Kwong
Understanding the Interplay Between Host Immunity and Tumour Cells in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Department of Diagnostic Radiology | Professor EYP Lee
Advancing Gynecological Cancer Diagnostics Employing Radiomics Models
Department of Diagnostic Radiology | Professor MY Ng
Calcium Score CT and Coronary CT Angiogram
Department of Diagnostic Radiology | Professor EYP Lee
Comparative Evaluation of Radiomics and Deep Learning Features for Predictive Modeling in Gynecological Cancers
Department of Diagnostic Radiology | Professor EYP Lee
End-to-End Automated Segmentation and Classification of Lesions in Gynecological Cancer Imaging
Department of Diagnostic Radiology | Professor MY Ng
Exercise and Stress Perfusion Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit | Dr OMY Ngan
Ethical Issues on Medical Tourism on Emerging Reproductive Technology
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care | Professor EYF Wan
Learning Health and Health Service Research using Big Data
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care | Professor EYF Wan
Optimisation In Hong Kong Public Health Service Using Big Data Research
Department of Medicine | Professor A Xu
Adipokines as Diagnostic Markers and Therapeutic Targets for Cardiovascular Complications of Obesity and Diabetes
Department of Medicine | Professor IFN Hung
Adjuvant Antivirals Therapy for Influenza
Department of Medicine | Professor WWK Seto
Artificial Intelligence in Chronic Liver Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor WWK Seto
Artificial Intelligence in Liver Cancer, Liver Imaging, Liver Histology and Beyond
Department of Medicine | Professor KH Yiu
Big Data Analysis on Cardiovascular Outcome, Including Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure, Diabetes Mellitus and Myocardial Infarction, Using a Well-Validated Population Based Cohort
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy
Department of Medicine | Professor A Xu
Characterisation of New Biomarkers for Precision Management of Metabolic Diseases
Department of Medicine | Professor MKS Cheung
Chemopreventive agents against hepatobiliary cancer in diabetes mellitus patients
Department of Medicine | Professor MKS Cheung
Chemopreventive effects of pharmacological agents against pancreatic cancer in diabetes mellitus
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Circulating Stem Cells in Cardiovascular Medicine
Department of Medicine | Professor JKY Yuen
Communication Priming to Facilitate Shared Decision-Making with Older Adults with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor SX Li
Cost-effectiveness and return on investment analyses of biologics/biosimilars used in autoimmune diseases
Department of Medicine | Professor WWK Seto
Determinants of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis: Viral Hepatitis, Steatosis and the Gut Microbiome
Department of Medicine | Professor A Xu
Development of New Anti-Obese Strategies by Conversion of White Fat to Brown Fat
Department of Medicine | Professor DCL Lam
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Biomarkers in Lung Cancer
Department of Medicine | Professor JKY Yuen
Effects of a home-based Feeding Enhancement in Dementia (FEED@home) intervention in advanced dementia
Department of Medicine | Professor KH Yiu
FLASH - Fractional Flow Reserve Hong Kong
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Genetic Basic of Cardiac Arrhythmias and Cardiomyopathy
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Heart and Hormones
Department of Medicine | Professor A Xu
Identification of Key Factors from Adipose Tissue That Mediate Obesity-Induced Diabetes and Cardiovascular Complications
Department of Medicine | Professor TM Chan
Immuno-Pathogenetic Mechanisms in Kidney Disease of Systemic Lupus Erythematous
Department of Medicine | Professor DYH Yap
Improving Shared Decision-Making with Older Adults with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease FacingDialysis Decisions
Department of Medicine | Professor AYH Leung
In Search for Novel Treatments for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
Department of Medicine | Professor CS Lau
Inflammasomes and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Department of Medicine | Professor IFN Hung
Influenza Vaccination
Department of Medicine | Professor SCW Tang
Innate Immunity in Chronic Kidney Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor SX Li
Long-Term Safety, Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Biologics: application of Machine Learning, Subphenotyping and Predictive Analytics
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Modelling of Heart Disease with Stem Cell
Department of Medicine | Professor SSY Yung
Molecular and Immunological Mechanisms of Inflammation and Fibrosis in Chronic Kidney Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor DTM Chan
Molecular and Immunological Pathogenic Mechanisms of Renal Inflammation and Fibrosis in Lupus Nephritis
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Outcome Prediction of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Department of Medicine | Professor CS Lau
Pathogenesis and Therapeutics Development in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Department of Medicine | Professor TM Chan
Pathogenic Mechanisms Of Fibrosis in the Kidney and Other Organs
Department of Medicine | Professor KH Yiu
Predictors of Adverse Events Following Valvular Heart Surgery: Chinese Valvular Heart Disease Study
Department of Medicine | Professor DYH Yap
Proteonomics and Metabolomics Analysis in Lupus Nephritis Patients with Frequent Relapse
Department of Medicine | Professor GKK Lau
Role of the Gut Microbiome in Vascular and Brain Health
Department of Medicine | Professor CS Lau
Secondary Immunodeficiencies In Hong Kong
Department of Medicine | Professor WWK Seto
The Gut Microbiome and Chronic Liver Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor DYH Yap
The Use of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in the Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease
Department of Medicine | Professor DYH Yap
Transcriptomics in Adult- and Paediatric-Onset Minimal Change Nephropathy
Department of Medicine | Professor GKK Lau
Use of Digital Health Platforms, Wearables and Machine Learning to Improve the Management and Prognosis of Stroke and Dementia
Department of Medicine | Professor HF Tse
Vascular Function and Diet
Department of Medicine | Professor AYH Leung
Zebrafish Model of Human Leukaemia
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit | Professor AD Gearin
Ethnographic project on social virtual reality and health and well-being
Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit | Professor AD Gearin
Ethnographic study on meditation and nature therapies in Asia
Department of Microbiology | Dr ZW Tan
A Novel Vaccination Strategy: Using a Microrobot Platform for DNA Vaccine Delivery and Antigen Presentation
Department of Microbiology | Professor ZW Chen
AIDS Vaccine and Functional Cure of HIV Infection
Department of Microbiology | Professor ZW Chen
Bi-specific neutralizing antibody platform for viral pathogens
Department of Microbiology | Professor S Sridhar
Characterizing emerging agents of hepatitis in humans
Department of Microbiology | Professor JFW Chan
Discovery and Mechanistic Evaluation of Novel Antivirals for Emerging and Re-Emerging Viral Infections
Department of Microbiology | Dr ZW Tan
Investigating the Role and Mechanism of Upregulation of Δ42PD-1+ T Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Department of Microbiology | Professor ZW Chen
Mechanism of immune control against COVID-19
Department of Microbiology | Professor JJ Zhou
Organoid-Based Investigations of Virus-Host Interaction
Department of Microbiology | Professor PML Yeung
Study of a Novel Cell Entry Pathway for Enterovirus Infection
School of Nursing | Professor YN Suen
A low-intensity online coaching (Li-Coach) intervention for young people at risk of depression or anxiety in Hong Kong: a randomised controlled trial
School of Nursing | Professor DYT Cheung
Designing a Smoking Cessation Intervention for Youth Smokers Using Q-Methodology
School of Nursing | Professor DYT Cheung
Development and evaluation of mhealth weight management programme for District Health Centres
School of Nursing | Professor DYT Cheung
Development of a Brief Alcohol Control Intervention for Current Tobacco Users
School of Nursing | Professor ST Cheung
Development of a Mobile Chat-based Exercise Counselling Intervention for Increasing and Maintaining Exercise Behavior in Older Cancer Survivors
School of Nursing | Professor YY Kwok
Effects of a Home-based Exercise Programme Incorporating Mindfulness and Yoga Practice on Balance and Mobility for People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomised Controlled Trial
School of Nursing | Professor CC Lin
Feasibility, Acceptability and Outcomes of a Perioperative Exercise Programme for Improving Exercise Capacity in Operable Lung Cancer Patients
School of Nursing | Professor CC Lin
Feasibility, Acceptability and Outcomes of Tai-Chi Intervention on Late Stage Lung Cancer Patients: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
School of Nursing | Professor YY Kwok
Healing the gut: A randomized controlled pilot trial on the effects and feasibility of Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) on constipation and gut microbiome in people with Parkinson’s disease
School of Nursing | Professor YY Kwok
Mindfulness in stillness or mindfulness in motion-A randomized controlled trial on the effects and acceptability of individual mindfulness techniques – meditation and yoga – on anxiety and depression in people with Parkinson’s disease
School of Nursing | Professor ST Cheung
Natural History of Frailty in Older Cancer Survivors: A Longitudinal Study
School of Nursing | Professor CC Lin
Prehabilitation to Enhance Recovery After Surgery in Individuals with Inactive Lifestyles: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
School of Nursing | Professor ST Cheung
Reversing Frailty Status among Post-Treatment Older Cancer Survivors using Baduanjin Qigong: A Randomized Controlled Trial
School of Nursing | Dr TT Luk
Scalable and sustainable behavioural intervention for addressing lifestyle risk factors
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor CKF Lee
Application of miR-125a-3p, b-catenin interacting protein 1 (CTNNBIP1), and Wnt-signaling molecules for predicting embryo implantation in IVF treatment (HMRF)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor HN Lu
Development of antibody-based therapeutics for ovarian clear cell carcinoma
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor CKF Lee
Embryo Implantation and Endometrial Receptivity
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor PCN Chiu
Human Placental Development and Pregnancy Complications
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor CKF Lee
Investigation on lactobacillus, lactate, and pH changes in regulating human endometrial receptivity and predicting pregnancy outcome (HMRF)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor PCN Chiu
Simulating Nature in Sperm Selection for Assisted Reproduction
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor HN Lu
The alternative splicing in high grade serous ovarian cancer
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor EHY Ng
The regulatory role of placenta-derived extracellular vesicles on the differentiation and functions of human decidual macrophages
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor KKL Chan
The Study of Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance and Metastasis through the Integrative Omics Analyses
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor KKL Chan
The study of the T cell antitumor immunity in ovarian cancer
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor CKF Lee
The use of endometrial surface proteins for human endometrial receptivity prediction (HMRF)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor CKF Lee
The use of small molecules in modulating human endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation (GRF)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor KKL Chan
Biomolecular Studies in Gynaecological Cancers
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor WSB Yeung
Roles of MicroRNAs in Endometrial Cells During Implantation
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor ACY Lo
Automated fabrication of collagen-alginate composite ECT device for sustained drug delivery using microfluidics technology
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor JYK Chan
Medical Diagnosis Using Tears
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor A Lee
Microbiome in Ocular Surface Diseases
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor ACY Lo
Protecting retinal neurons in ischemic retinopathy-the role of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone in ischemia/reperfusion injury-induced ferroptosis
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor A Lee
Respiratory Viruses in Acute Conjunctivitis
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor ACY Lo
Retinal Neurodegeneration and Retinal Ischemia in Diabetic Retinopathy – Association with Autophagy Dysfunction
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor CKS Leung
Tracking Glaucoma with Virtual Reality
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor A Lee
Tumours of the Ocular Surface
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor CKS Leung
Why Retinal Ganglion Cells Degenerate in Glaucoma? - A Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Retinal Ganglion Cells
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor T Zhang
Artificial intelligent 3D human pose estimation and generation with oclusion
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor T Zhang
Artificial Intelligent light-based multi-target tracking and 3D visualisation
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor T Zhang
Interactive medical system for treatment planning
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KMC Cheung
Aetiology, Assessment and Treatment of Scoliosis and Related Spine Disorders
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JPY Cheung
An Investigation of the Carcinogenicity of Metals Commonly Used in Surgical Implants, Cobalt, Chromium and Titanium
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Dr WHP Cheung
Automated image analysis for bone age assessment and disease prognostication in idiopathic scoliosis
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor GKH Shea
Basic and Clinical Studies on Spinal Cord Injury
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Dr WHP Cheung
Big Data for Iatrogenic Spinal Cord Injury
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JPY Cheung
Big Data-Based Spine Disease Progression Prediction
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KMC Cheung
Clinical and Translational Research on Scoliosis
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Dr WHP Cheung
Clinical Epidemiology and Health-related Quality of Life of Orthopaedic Patients
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JPY Cheung
Clinical Research in Scoliosis and Other Spinal Disorders
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JSH Wong
Fracture Prediction Using Machine Learning
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JPY Cheung
OI-GPS: Orthopaedic Implants General Positioning System
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor JPY Cheung
Spine Imaging
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KYH Kwan
Three-Dimensional Study in the Non-Operative Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor T Zhang
Small vessel segmentation and 3D visualisation
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WL Yang
Bioinformatic Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data to Better Understand Disease Pathogenesis and Mechanisms
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor PPW Lee
Deep Phenotyping of Immune Cell Populations and Transcriptional Profiling in Paediatric Immunodysregulatory Disorders
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WWY Tso
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Markers for Cognitive Function in Children with Acquired Brain Injury
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WWY Tso
Identification of Risk Factors for Mental and Developmental Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WWY Tso
Use of Digital Technologies to Promote Infant Mental Health, Child Development and Parenting
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor SHS Chan
AI based tools for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases / neuromuscular diseases
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WL Yang
Analysis of Genomic Data for Clinical Diagnosis and Personalised Treatment
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor SHS Chan
Disease modeling for neuromuscular diseases using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor SHS Chan
Immunological biomarkers for neurological diseases
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor WH Leung
Immunology in Paediatric Cancer, Blood, Infection, Vaccine and Immune Disorders
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor BHY Chung
Multi-omics study in Paediatric Rare Diseases
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor YF Cheung
Novel 4-Dimensional Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiac Function in Children with Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases
Department of Pathology | Professor DWH Ho
Bioinformatics in Liver Cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor HHN Yan
Characterisation of Driver Mutations in Colon and Stomach Cancers Using CRISPR-Engineered Organoids
Department of Pathology | Professor JCM Wong
Deciphering the Epigenome of Liver Cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor CF Sin
Elucidate leukaemogenesis and development of novel therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Department of Pathology | Professor ANY Cheung
Ferroptosis as potential target in ovarian cancer therapy
Department of Pathology | Professor KHT Ma
Identification of blood-based protein biomarkers with label-free proteomic
Department of Pathology | Professor SY Leung
Identification of Novel Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressor Genes Involved in Gastrointestinal Cancer Development and Stem Cell Regulation Based on Gene Expression Profiling, Chromosomal Copy Number Profiling and Epigenetic Studies in Genomics Scale
Department of Pathology | Professor IOL Ng
Integrated Functional Genomics of Liver Cancer Using Genome-Scale Technologies Coupled with Clinical Translational Studies
Department of Pathology | Professor DWH Ho
Liquid Biopsy in Liver Cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor LW Lu
Lymphopoiesis and Apoptosis in the Development of Autoimmune Diseases
Department of Pathology | Professor CCL Wong
Metabolism and immune microenvironment of liver cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor US Khoo
Molecular Biology of Endocrine-Resistant/Chemo-Resistant Breast Cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor ANY Cheung
Molecular signaling in gynaecological cancers as biomarkers in outcome prediction and therapeutic targets
Department of Pathology | Professor MCF Yeung
Multiomics analysis on sarcoma
Department of Pathology | Professor DWH Ho
Single-Cell Transcriptomics in Liver Cancer
Department of Pathology | Professor JCM Wong
The Functional Impacts of Aberrant RNA Modifications in Liver Carcinogenesis
Department of Pathology | Professor SY Leung
Understanding the Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Professor ASF Chow
Development of Inhalable Nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery Systems Against Respiratory Infections
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Professor SWS Leung
Effects of Viral Proteins on Endothelial Function
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Professor ASF Chow
Intranasal Drug Delivery of Nano-in-Micro Particles for Treatment of Neurological Disorders
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Dr ZY Zhou
The Role of Circadian Gene Per2 in White Adipose Tissue Browning
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Professor Y Wang
Vascular Protective Functions of the Anti-Ageing Protein SIRT1
Department of Psychiatry | Professor SSY Lui
Characterizing clinical and functional outcomes of neurological soft-signs in first-episode schizophrenia: A 10-year follow-up study
Department of Psychiatry | Professor HKY Lo
Decoding Mood Disorders: Innovative Paradigms for Early Detection and Intervention
Department of Psychiatry | Professor SSY Lui
The influence of emotion-behaviour decoupling on clinical and functional outcomes in patients with schizophrenia
School of Public Health | Professor J Zhao
Assessing the role of dietary factors in chronic disease
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Biological Markers of Stress and Their Association with Depression
School of Public Health | Professor WWT Lam
Cancer Rehabilitation – How to Prevent Lost in Transition
School of Public Health | Professor SS Wong
Characterizing primary and secondary vaccine failures
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Contributions of Social And Built Environment to Mental Health
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Developing the World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview-5 (WHO WMH-CIDI-5) For Hong Kong
School of Public Health | Professor HL Yen
Effect of combination therapy for influenza
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Emerging Determinants of Mental Health: COVID-19 and Others
School of Public Health | Professor QY Liao
Executive Function and Dietary Health
School of Public Health | Professor PMF Siu
Exercise and Health
School of Public Health | Professor PMF Siu
Exercise for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Young Adults
School of Public Health | Professor PMF Siu
Exercise for Sleep and Mental Health in Elderly
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Exploring Upstream Factors Related To Physical, Mental and Social Well-Being: Leveraging a Ten-Year Large Prospective Cohort
School of Public Health | Professor KA Grepin
Global health policy and health systems research
School of Public Health | Professor JC Quan
Health Policy Evaluation and Economic Modelling
School of Public Health | Professor MP Zanin
Host factors that determine severity of influenza and COVID-19 disease
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
How to Improve Detection Of Depression
School of Public Health | Professor WWT Lam
Optimisation of Cancer Care
School of Public Health | Professor LW Tian
Promotion of Respiratory Health by Improving Awareness of Environmental Exposure to Air Toxics among School Children
School of Public Health | Professor LW Tian
Public Health Effects of Air Pollution on Mortality and Admissions to Hospitals
School of Public Health | Professor QY Liao
Public Perceptions of Sustainable Food Consumption and Intervention to Promote Sustainable Food Consumption
School of Public Health | Professor MCW Chan
Risk Assessment of Influenza Virus and Coronavirus Using Experimental Models Derived from Human Respiratory Tract
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Social Dynamics, Resilience, and Mental Health
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
Social Media and Mental Health
School of Public Health | Professor WWT Lam
The effect of a stepped-care metacognition-based intervention on managing fear of cancer recurrence: Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Controlled Trial (SMARTs)
School of Public Health | Professor RSL Au Yeung
Unraveling the pleiotropic effects of diabetic medications using genomics and proteomics
School of Public Health | Professor HL Yen
Virus-Host Interactions and Swine Influenza Transmissibility
School of Public Health | Professor MY Ni
WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative
Department of Surgery | Professor SYK Law
Biomarkers and Chemoresistance in Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC)
Department of Surgery | Professor Y Na
Epidemiology, Genetic Epidemiology and Clinical Translational Studies for Urological Diseases
Department of Surgery | Professor Y Na
Genetic Surveillance for Guiding Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Urothelial Carcinoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Department of Surgery | Professor CSM Tang
Genetics of Congenital Disorders
Department of Surgery | Professor VCH Lui
Genomics - Stem Cell Biology of Biliary Atresia (BA)
Department of Surgery | Professor TCL Wong
Liver transplant for acute-on-chronic liver failure
Department of Surgery | Professor K Man
Molecular Signatures Linked to Graft Injury and Tumour Recurrence After Liver Transplantation
Department of Surgery | Dr KMY Kiang
Molecular vulnerabilities and therapeutic resistance in malignant glioma
Department of Surgery | Dr SK Tey
Multi-omics study of breast cancer
Department of Surgery | Professor A Kwong
Mutational signatures analysis of breast cancer
Department of Surgery | Professor GKK Leung
Neuroprotection for intracerebral haemorrhage
Department of Surgery | Professor K Man
Novel Therapies for Liver Cancer Recurrence After Transplantation
Department of Surgery | Professor GKK Leung
Novel Treatment Approach for Chemoresistant Malignant Glioma
Department of Surgery | Dr SK Tey
The role of extracellular vesicles in modulating tumor microenvironment of breast cancer
Department of Surgery | Professor ESW Ngan
Understanding Human Congenital Diseases: From Capturing the Molecular Dynamics Underlying Cell-State Transition to Delineating the Disease Mechanism Using Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cell (PSC)-Based Models
Department of Surgery | Professor A Kwong
Utilizing circulating cell-free DNA as biomarkers for breast cancer diagnosis
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor SKY Ma
An Immune Perspective on Exploiting Stemness as a Cancer Cell Vulnerability for the Treatment of Liver Cancer
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor SKY Ma
Development and Applications of a Driver-Dependent Tumour Organoid Biobank for Translational Liver Cancer Research
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JA Tanner
Da Vinci-inspired DNA nanostructure design and analysis by cryo-electron microscopy
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JA Tanner
Development of Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Therapeutics and Diagnostics
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor JA Tanner
DNA aptamers for early pancreatic cancer diagnosis
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor SKY Ma
Exploiting Stemness as a Cancer Cell Vulnerability Using Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Model System
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor RR Sugimura
CAR-microglia targeting autoimmune B-cells in multiple sclerosis
School of Biomedical Sciences | Professor RR Sugimura
Predicting innate immune cell fate from single-cell transcriptomics and imaging dataset
Department of Emergency Medicine | Professor TH Rainer
Epidemiology, Prediction and Translational Studies in Acute Kidney Injury
Department of Emergency Medicine | Professor TH Rainer
Translational Studies and Mechanisms of Disease in Infectious Diseases and Sepsis
Department of Emergency Medicine | Professor TH Rainer
Ethics of Emergency Medicine
Department of Medicine | Professor PH Li
Drug Allergy in Hong Kong
Department of Medicine | Professor KC Teo
Neuroimaging and cerebral hemodynamics in intracerebral hemorrhage
Department of Medicine | Professor PH Li
Translational drug allergy - reshaping the approach to allergy delabelling
Department of Medicine | Professor KH Yiu
Artificial intelligence and deep learning in cardiovascular disease using a validated population based database
Department of Medicine | Professor KH Yiu
Artificial intelligence and deep learning in cardiovascular imaging including echocardiography, computed tomography, cardiac MRI and intravascular imaging (IVUS/OCT)
Department of Medicine | Professor GKK Lau
Clinical studies and the use of artificial intelligence in stroke
Department of Medicine | Professor SX Li
Horizon Scanning of medium- to long-term burden of depression and care needs in Hong Kong (SCAN-2030)
Department of Medicine | Professor SX Li
Population-based disease burden and healthcare expenditure forecasting using traditional regression, Markov chain and large language models
Department of Medicine | Professor SX Li
Postmarketing safety of biologics in inflammatory arthritis
Department of Microbiology | Professor KKW To
Antigenic evolution of respiratory viruses
School of Nursing | Professor DYT Fong
Development and Evaluation of an Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Scoliosis Screening and Management System (AI-SSMS)
School of Nursing | Professor MP Wang
Personalised intervention to promote healthy lifestyle behaviours
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Professor K Liu
Study of precise treatment to premature ovarian insufficiency based on follicle in vitro activation (SZSTI)
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor JYK Chan
Eye-on-a-chip (EoC) microfluidic platforms for eye and vision science research
Department of Ophthalmology | Professor A Lee
Severe diseases of the ocular surface
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor Y Hu
AI based human motion analysis for assistant robots assessment
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KWK Yeung
Bone Regeneration mediated by central nervous system (CNS)-skeletal axis
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KWK Yeung
Cracking Down Bacterial Infection in Bone by New Photo-Responsive Nanoparticles
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor Y Hu
High performance brain computer interface using dry electrode
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor T Zhang
Intelligent Orthopaedics facilitated by machine learning and novel sensing technologies
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology | Professor KWK Yeung
Manipulation of Bone Metabolism by Regulating Bivalent Cations in Bone Tissue Microenvironment
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | Professor YL Lau | Professor J Sou Da Rosa Duque
Immunology, Vaccinology, Infectious Diseases, Allergy
Department of Pathology | Professor JWP Yam
The Study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Role of Extracellular Vesicles in the Tumour Microenvironment
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy | Professor WP Wang
Light-responsive Drug Delivery for the Treatment of Cancer and Eye Diseases
Department of Psychiatry | Professor KW Chan
20-year outcomes of patients with schizophrenia and Bipolar affective disorders
Department of Psychiatry | Professor KW Chan
Development and validation of a metabolic risk calculator (PsyMetRiC) for patients with first-episode psychosis
Department of Psychiatry | Professor KW Chan
Understanding and predicting self-harm in patients with first-episode psychosis
Department of Psychiatry | Professor WC Chang
Digital phenotyping for clinical and treatment outcome prediction in early psychosis and bipolar disorder
Department of Psychiatry | Professor WC Chang
Early psychosis & Bipolar disorder: multimodal clinical, neurocognitive and neuroimaging investigations for distinct and shared illness trajectories and outcome prediction
Department of Psychiatry | Professor WC Chang
Treatment outcomes of ADHD children with clinical, neurocognitive and gut microbiome measurement
Department of Psychiatry | Professor WC Chang
Impact of mental disorders and medications on physical morbidity & mortality, self-harm, and risk prediction for adverse outcomes: population-based health-record database research
Department of Psychiatry | Professor KW Chan
Mentalization process of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorders and autism: a study of eye movement analysis using Hidden Markov Models
Department of Psychiatry | Professor KKA Chung
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders (SToP) Program
School of Public Health | Professor LW Tian
Causal Inference from Dynamic Data to Improve Environmental Health
School of Public Health | Professor LW Tian
Contribution of Late Permian C1 coal chamosite to lung cancer epidemic in Xuan Wei inferred by K-rasLA1 mice model
School of Public Health | Professor SS Wong
Characterising the immune response to influenza neuraminidase protein
School of Public Health | Professor JC Quan
Evaluation of Public Health Programmes
School of Public Health | Professor MP Zanin
Evolution of avian influenza viruses under poultry vaccination practices and the potential for emergence of zoonotic viruses of concern
School of Public Health | Professor LW Tian
Food contamination by biogenic siliceous needles and endemic cancer of the esophagus in China
School of Public Health | Professor JC Quan
Healthcare Workforce Planning and Projection
School of Public Health | Professor JC Quan
The long term spill-over impact of COVID-19 on health and healthcare of patients with non-communicable diseases
Department of Surgery | Professor K Man
Liver cancer recurrence after curative surgery – Regional immune regulation and tumor microenvironment
Department of Surgery | Professor ESW Ngan
Complex organoids for bowel disease modeling
Department of Surgery | Professor ESW Ngan
Making neurons for cell-based therapy
Department of Surgery | Professor ESW Ngan
Repressive and transactivation activities of HDAC1 along neuronal lineage differentiation
Department of Surgery | Professor K Man
Tissue repair and bioprinting for liver diseases
Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education | Professor Fraide A. Ganotice, Jr
Enhancing Hypertension Management in Primary Healthcare: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach Based on Self-Determination Theory
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