Research Projects
Chemical Biology for Molecular Medicine: Oxidative and Redox Regulation in Brain Damage and Application for Drug Discovery to Treat Ischaemic Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis

Programme(s) to which this project applies:

☑ MPhil/PhD ☒ MRes[Med] ☒ URIS

The study will apply chemical biology approaches and molecular biology technology to evaluate the molecular mechanisms related to oxidative and redox regulation of the blood brain barrier in ischaemic stroke and multiple sclerosis animal models. The study will mainly focus on the roles of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) on cellular signal molecules and their post-transcriptional factors in neural injury and blood brain barrier permeability in the central nervous system (CNS). The molecular targets will be used to seek active ingredients from Chinese herbal medicine for the prevention and treatment of the breakdown of the blood brain barrier. This is a component of a collaborative project that involves multidisciplinary scientists and is supported by the Research Grants Council's Areas of Excellence scheme. Students will join a dynamic research team with multidisciplinary experts to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for neurological diseases.

Professor JG Shen, School of Chinese Medicine


For more information or to express interest for this project, please email the supervisor or the specified contact point in the project description.  Interested candidates are advised to enclose with your email:

  1. your CV,
  2. a brief description of your research interest and experience, and
  3. two reference letters (not required for HKUMed UG students seeking MRes[Med]/URIS projects).

Information on the research programme, funding support and admission documentations could be referenced online at the Research Postgraduate Admissions website. General admission enquiries should be directed to

HKUMed MBBS students interested in the Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) programme may visit the programme website for more information.  

HKUMed UG students interested in the Undergraduate Research Internship Scheme (URIS) may visit the scheme’s website for more information.