Research Projects
Evaluation of the Hong Kong Genome Project

Programme(s) to which this project applies:

☑ MPhil/PhD ☑ MRes[Med] ☒ URIS

In 2019, the Hong Kong Government initiated the Hong Kong Genome Project (HKGP) to advance the “Strategic Development of Genomic Medicine in Hong Kong”. This aims to:

  1. establish a genomics database of the local population, talent pool, infrastructure and protocols for genetic and genomic testing,
  2. enhance the clinical application of genomic medicine to benefit patients and their families,
  3. promote research in genomic medicine to facilitate future medical development in Hong Kong.

The initial phase of the HKGP will cover participants with undiagnosed disorders and hereditary cancers and the main phase will expand whole genome sequencing (WGS) to include other diseases and research cohorts.

Professor JC Quan, School of Public Health

Clinical Assistant Professor
Division of Health Economics, Policy and Management
School of Public Health

HKU Scholars Hub


For more information or to express interest for this project, please email the supervisor or the specified contact point in the project description.  Interested candidates are advised to enclose with your email:

  1. your CV,
  2. a brief description of your research interest and experience, and
  3. two reference letters (not required for HKUMed UG students seeking MRes[Med]/URIS projects).

Information on the research programme, funding support and admission documentations could be referenced online at the Research Postgraduate Admissions website. General admission enquiries should be directed to

HKUMed MBBS students interested in the Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) programme may visit the programme website for more information.  

HKUMed UG students interested in the Undergraduate Research Internship Scheme (URIS) may visit the scheme’s website for more information.