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HKU and QMH Hematologist Launch the First Unified Protocols in HK for Blood Cancers and Diseases: Protocol Book, iPhone App and Website

24 Sep 2012

Blood cancers and diseases are very serious life-threatening disorders. Treatment of these patients is often urgent. Drugs for treating blood diseases are also toxic and complicated, requiring a lot of experience and expertise in their use. Therefore, it is very difficult for even specialists to manage these patients well. The Haematology Team of the Department of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) has developed a consensus protocol in the forms of printed books, iPhone/ iPad app and website to disseminate the most up-to-date treatment protocol and allow quick reference to drug dosages and administration. The free standardised protocol for blood cancers and diseases is provided. Doctors in Hong Kong will have a better picture of practices in haematology, so that different hospitals and doctors no longer need to adopt various approaches in handling blood diseases. The protocol marks a new model of medical practice in Hong Kong, which allows quick exchange of new knowledge and experience. The initiative will also increase the transparency of haematology practice in Hong Kong benefiting both the medical practitioners and patients.

A new paradigm in haematology in HK

“It is the first time that online technology is harnessed in the dissemination of medical management and treatment standards in Hong Kong. Now, doctors, nurses and patients alike have a common reference for blood disease management”, said Professor Kwong Yok-lam, Chui Fook-chuen Professor in Medicine, Chair Professor of the Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, who is the architect of this protocol. “The project establishes a new model of medical practice in Hong Kong, and will serve as a paradigm for other specialties to follow, leading to standardisation of medical practice in Hong Kong”, Professor Kwong adds.

Free iPhone/ iPad app, website and books

The First Edition of the Haematology Protocol Handbook was published in June 2012, which covers the investigation strategies, treatment protocols, drug dose and side effects. To ensure that these protocols can be widely available to all doctors and nursing staff in Hong Kong, the protocol book has been converted into an iPhone/ iPad app as well as an online website. Apart from the treatment and drug information, the contents of the online resources also include event updates, and the QMH Haematology Quarterly Newsletter. The website provides a great platform for exchange of information on current developments in haematology thus ensuring hematologists possess the latest expertise whilst providing the best service to our colleagues and subscribers locally, regionally, and internationally. The merit of having an online platform is that the latest information and resources can be updated immediately which is favorable for effective knowledge exchange.

Free of charge for better penetration

The Haematology Protocol Handbook is the most comprehensive reference source available, and it is free for all practicing haematologists, oncologists, nurses and other interested doctors in Hong Kong. The iPhone/ iPad app is now available for free download (app name: “Haemaotlogy Protocol Summit”). For more information about our handbook, please visit the website at

Future directions

The Team hopes to receive further support and resources from the community to enhance the functions of the online platform to facilitate effective doctor-patient interactions and knowledge exchange between the medical practitioners. Useful functions shall be added including online forum so that members can publish comments and share patient treatment experience. Chinese translation is planned to be incorporated in the near future to facilitate the usage by the haematologists in China and all the Chinese patients globally. The Haematology Team earnestly hopes to receive continuous donations, so that Chinese versions of the handbook, app and website can be realised as soon as possible.

About the Team

The Haematology Team comprises specialists from the Department of Medicine of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at HKU and QMH. The Team aspires to stay at the forefront of management of patients with blood diseases. Supported by strong research output and abundant clinical exposures in treating blood diseases in HK, the Haematology Team at HKU and QMH enjoys a leading position in Hong Kong as well as in the region. The Team regards it as their mission to share their treatment protocols and experiences with other doctors in Hong Kong, China, and the rest of the world.

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Professor Kwong Yok-lam, Chui Fook-Chuen Professor in Molecular Medicine, Chair Professor, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, introduced the first unified Haematology Protocol in HK.

Professor Kwong Yok-lam (second from the left, front row), Professor James Chim Chor-sang (second from the right, front row), Dr Eric Tse Wai-choi (first from the right, back row) and the Haematology Team of the Department of Medicine at HKU and QMH, established the Heamatology Protocol.