140 for 140: Great Minds for Grand Challenges
Strategic Area: Cancer Biology & Therapeutics

HKUMed has been leading an international team of scientists to develop novel therapeutics for difficult-to-treat cancers. The work is focused on targeting the metabolic adaptations that tumours use to survive under conditions that would kill normal cells; exploiting the genomic instability and aneuploidy common to many advanced cancers; combatting the tactics by which cancers evade anti-tumour immune responses; and identifying new tumour cell vulnerabilities using new generation cell/animal models, organoids, and multi-omic technologies. Our main therapeutic areas include liver cancer, gastric and colorectal cancers, and haematopoietic cancers. HKUMed’s Centre for Oncology and Immunology, working closely with the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre of Toronto’s University Health Network and the Technical University of Munich, aims to develop these therapeutics areas which can improve patient outcomes.

To support this work, HKUMed is recruiting clinician scientists, molecular biologists, immunologists, bioinformaticians, geneticists to join our team and help establish HKUMed as an Asian and global leading hub of innovative anti-cancer research.

See below for related opening(s). For all openings currently available at HKUMed, visit HKU Careers page.