Funding and Fellowship
HKUMed Research Fellowship Scheme for Clinical Academics

In 2020, the LKS Faculty of Medicine established the “HKUMed Research Fellowship Scheme for Clinical Academics” to provide opportunities for clinical academic staff to be relieved of all teaching, clinical and administrative duties to conduct full-time research at the Faculty for a period of three months to one year. A maximum of five awards will be made each year and the selected Fellow will receive a research grant of maximum HK$1,000,000. Fellows may also conduct research activities or training overseas during the Fellowship period.

Please refer to the General Regulations and Administrative Arrangements below for details on eligibility and selection criteria.

To be considered, the following documents should be submitted to the Faculty Office by 21 June 2024 (Friday).

  1. Completed application form;

  2. A research proposal, up to five (5) A4 pages in length, for the proposed duration of the Fellowship, which should incorporate plans for overseas training/research activities (if any), and any supporting documents;

  3. A brief curriculum vita (up to 5 pages); and

  4. A recommendation letter from the Chairperson/Head/Director of Department/School to confirm that arrangements would be made to release the applicant from teaching, clinical and administrative duties throughout the tenure of the Fellowship, and that the applicant will continue to serve HKUMed for at least three years upon the completion of the Fellowship.

If a Department/School is submitting more than one application, the Chairperson/Head/Director concerned should rank the applications and provide a brief rationale for the ranking.


  1. The LKS Faculty of Medicine (HKUMed) established the HKUMed Research Fellowship Scheme for Clinical Academics in 2020 to provide opportunities for clinical academic staff to be relieved of all teaching, clinical and administrative duties to conduct full-time research at the Faculty for a period of three months to one year. With the establishment of the School of Clinical Medicine in 2022, the scheme is subsumed under the School’s oversight.

Eligibility and conditions

  1. All staff on Terms of Service I in a full-time position at the grade of Clinical Assistant Professor or equivalent and have completed specialist training or Clinical Associate Professor are eligible to apply for the scheme. Preference will be given to those who hold a tenure-track position.

  2. Whilst relieved of all teaching, clinical and administrative duties, the selected Fellow may, however, undertake supervision of research postgraduate students and research staff, provided that such work contributes directly to his/her research proposed for the fellowship.

  3. The Fellow may conduct research activities or training overseas during the Fellowship period. Fellows undertaking a Fellowship of under six months are eligible for one overseas trip during the Fellowship period. Fellows undertaking a Fellowship for six to twelve months are eligible for a maximum of two overseas trip during the Fellowship period. 

  4. The Fellow may also and are highly encouraged to undertake studies leading to a research higher degree if he/she does not already hold such a degree.

  5. The Fellow must continue to serve HKUMed for at least three years upon completion of the Fellowship. Should the Fellow leave his/her position during the period of the Fellowship or within three years of its completion, he/she will be required to repay the award amount, in part or whole.

Fellowship award

  1. A maximum of five awards will be made each year.  However, if there are no suitable candidates, the School reserves the right to not grant any award in a given year.

  2. The selected Fellow will receive a research grant of maximum HK$1,000,000, plus a travel grant for overseas training (if any),  subject to review of his/her research proposal by the Selection Panel.

  3. If an overseas training/research activities plan has been included in the research proposal, the selected Fellow will also receive a travel grant which covers the following items, on a reimbursement basis, for each eligible trip:

    1. One round-trip airfare from Hong Kong to the country where training will be undertaken, at the most economical rate; and

    2. A subsistence allowance to cover accommodation, local transportation at the training destination, and meals, capped at the daily rates as stipulated by The University of Hong Kong.

  4. The Fellow’s Department will receive a reimbursement of up to three to twelve months of the actual remuneration package payable to the staff appointed to replace the selected Fellow, subject to a limit up to the prevailing remuneration package of the top point of the Clinical Assistant Professor salary scale.

Selection Criteria

  1. Selection is based on:

    • scientific merit and impact of the research proposal;

    • research track record of the applicant;

    • comments from the Chairperson/Head/Director of Department/School; and

    • strategic plans and needs of the Faculty.

Selection Panel and Process

  1. A Selection Panel comprising the following members shall assess the applications and make award recommendations

  • Director of the School of Clinical Medicine or his/her designate; and
  • HKUMed Research Deanery.
  1. The Award shall be granted by the Board of the Faculty of Medicine, which will consider recommendations from the Selection Panel.

Administrative Arrangements

  1. To meet future circumstances, the regulations of the Scheme may be subject to review annually.

  2. Successful applicants are required to submit a report within one month upon the completion of the Fellowship. The report should include details of the research progress and outcomes achieved. Awardees who fail to submit the report may be debarred from applying for any research grants supported by the School/Faculty in the future.

For enquiries, please contact Kathy Wong of the HKUMed Faculty Office (Research):

+852 3910 2744