What are the review criteria for promotion and tenure?
- "Tenure" is a continuous appointment offered to professoriate staff members up to the normal retirement age of 60, subject to termination only on “good cause”, and is awarded to staff with demonstrated excellence in, and contribution to: teaching and learning, research and scholarship, knowledge exchange, and service/administration. Granting tenure is a major commitment of the University in recognising demonstrated, and potential for continuing, outstanding performance and excellence in these four areas. A comprehensive, holistic and rigorous review is therefore conducted in order to ensure that the very best staff are rewarded.
- The award of tenure to an Assistant Professor will be coupled with promotion to Associate Professor. Achievements prior to joining the University will also be considered. Tenure is to be obtained by the end of a maximum of two consecutive fixed-term contracts at the University, viz. two 3-year contracts for non-clinical professoriate staff, or two 4-year contracts for clinical professoriate staff.
- The review for tenure will normally have to take place before the end of the second contract (i.e. the end of the tenure clock). Newly-recruited Associate Professors/Professors requesting tenure on entry will undergo the tenure assessment process before a contract is offered.
How are performance reviews conducted?
- The Performance Review and Development programme covers all professoriate and academic-related staff inclusive of Research Assistant Professors and Post-doctoral Fellows. It provides an opportunity for colleagues to update their portfolio of achievements, engage in self-reflections and discuss with their reviewers their performance and career plans in the context of the university’s strategic directions.
- The review period is normally the preceding academic year, from July 1 to June 30, and colleagues’ performance will be reviewed with respect to the relative weightings of work portfolios in the respective areas of teaching; research and scholarship; service/administration; and clinical service (where applicable).
When do faculty receive sabbatical leave?
- Sabbatical leave is accumulated at the rate of one month of leave per six months of service. Up to one year of sabbatical leave can be taken at a time.
What types of research funding are available at HKU?
- There are three general categories of research funding:
- Research start-up package for new appointees
- Internal funding opportunities, including Faculty and University funding for research
- External funding opportunities, including Hong Kong government, Chinese government, and international sources of funding for research
Further information
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