Research Sub-Deanery

Professor Eric Tse
Associate Dean (Research)

Describe your role


I provide strategic leadership in all research-related and postgraduate-related activities. And I develop and implement research policy that is in line with the University's and HKUMed's vision for research. 

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


My primary responsibility is to create a conducive environment for all the staff in this Faculty to maximise their potential to perform outstanding research. I hope to assist them to make the most out of our resources and research environment, and to provide technical support for all of the research staff in the Faculty.



Professor Danny Chan
Senior Advisor (Policy and Governance)

Describe your role


My role is to advise on the development and implementation of research strategies, policies and governance.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


I will leverage my experience over the decades of serving the Deanery to advise on the various issues linked to research strategies, policies and government. This is an opportunity to advise the new Deanery and to enhance the research culture in the Faculty to ensure excellence.




Professor Joshua Ho
Assistant Dean (Innovation and Technology Transfer)

Describe your role


My role is to support staff and students at HKUMed and affiliated startup companies to turn their research innovations into commercialisable products and services.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


I look after HKUMed's Technology Transfer Unit (TTU), which supports all aspects of technology transfer and entrepreneurship. We also engage external industry partners for development, funding, investment, and collaboration opportunities.


What's your vision in this new position?


I want to see our HKUMed inventions making a tangible impact in the world.



Professor Walter Seto
Assistant Dean (Interdisciplinary Collaboration)

Describe your role


As Assistant Dean in Interdisciplinary Collaboration, I encourage and support joint research across disciplines.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


My primary responsibility is to bring everyone together to see how we can synergise our academic strong points to collaborate across different disciplines to bring about even more impactful research.





Professor Carmen Wong
Assistant Dean (Core Platforms and Advancement)

Describe your role


As Assistant Dean for Core Platforms and Advancement, I am responsible for research platforms and training.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


My key roles are to maintain and develop research platforms and facilities, and to provide training and capacity building for Faculty members. I also ensure safe, ethical and effective use of these resources.





Professor Daniel Fong
Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Studies)

Describe your new role


I am responsible for postgraduate studies in all areas, including cooperating with the Graduate School for all activities for postgraduate students and programmes.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


To make sure our postgraduate students are all doing well while they are at HKUMed. That includes handling any issues they face to ensure a productive and positive learning environment.




Professor Judy Yam
Assistant Dean (Postgraduate Studies)

Describe your new role


As Assistant Dean in Postgraduate Studies, my role is to take good care of our postgraduate students and to oversee the implementation of the postgraduate programme.

What are your primary responsibilities in this role?


My primary responsibilities are to oversee all the postgraduate-related matters, ensuring an adequate environment for the students to learn and carry out their research.

I am also responsible for providing guidance and support to them during their study period, especially when they have difficulties. I also place emphasis on facilitating effective communication and a positive relationship between students and supervisors.

Lastly, I work closely with the Graduate School to coordinate and implement postgraduate programmes and policies.