Many sight-threatening diseases may not be recognized by patients in the early stages. In collaboration with Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI), HKU, we apply augmented reality to simulate visual symptoms of common eye diseases to teach the public, especially the elderly population, to learn how to recognize symptoms of cataract, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration. By raising the awareness of how to detect common eye diseases, we can intervene early to prevent irreversible loss of vision. 許多威脅視力的疾病在早期無法被患者識別。與 香港大學科創習新合作,我們將擴張實境應用到 公眾,模擬老年人群組中常見的眼疾的視覺症狀, 以學習如何識別白內障、青光眼和黃斑部病變的 症狀。提高對常見眼科疾病的檢測意識,醫生更 可及早介入,以防止患者喪失視力。 5. Patient Education – Teaching visual symptoms with AR 病人教育⸺用擴張實境教授視覺症狀 Augmented Reality Elderly 36 Community and Charity Clinical Services 社區及慈善臨床服務