The Department of Ophthalmology and the Department of Family Medicine & Primary Care at HKU introduced the universal diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening - Risk Assessment and Management Programme for Diabetes Mellitus (RAMP-DM) - in the Hospital Authority primary care clinics since 2009. Back then, the overall prevalence of DR in diabetic patients was 39% with 10% of patients requiring referral to ophthalmologists for follow-up and treatment. Our early reports showed significant risk reduction of severe DR, as well as heart, kidney, and neurological diseases among those enrolled in the program. Furthermore, patients enrolled into the screening program had lower mortality, specialist a�endance, emergency a�endance and hospitalizations compared with the non-enrolled. We estimated that a reduction of HK$56,893 in health cost for each patient enrolled in the RAMP-DM programme over a 5-year period. HKU Ophthalmology continues to play a vital role in the RAMP-DM as the HA-appointed provider for grader training and quality assurance of its DR screening service, including provision of grading arbitration service for 7,000-10,000 patients per year, and oversees the quality assurance of the DR grading service, through monitoring of graders’ performance, annual assessment, and remedial training. 自2009年起,香港大學眼科學系和家庭醫學及 基層醫療學系的研究人員在香港醫管局聯的基層 健康服務診所引入全民糖尿病視網膜病變篩查― 糖尿病風險評估和管理計劃(RAMP-DM)。當時, 我們的初步研究指出在糖尿病患者中糖尿病視網 膜病變的總體患病率為39%,其中10%的患者 需要轉介至眼科醫生進行治療 。該計劃的早期報 告顯示,參加者中患有嚴重糖尿病視網膜病變以 及心臟、腎臟和神經系統疾病的風險顯著降低 。 與非入組患者相比,接受篩查的患者死亡率、專 科就診率、急診就診率和住院率均較低 。此外, 在這5年間,我們估計每位參加糖尿病風險評估 和管理計劃的患者節省了56,893港元的醫療成 本 。香港大學眼科學系會繼續在糖尿病風險評估 和管理計劃中發揮重要作用,為醫管局指定的糖 尿病風險評估和管理計劃篩查服務提供評分員培 訓和質量保證,包括每年為7,000-10,000名患者 提供分級仲裁服務,和通過持續監測評分員的表 現、年度評估和補救培訓來確保糖尿病視網膜病 變的評分質量。 4. Screening of diabetic retinopathy – Impact on Hong Kong diabetic care 糖尿病視網膜病變篩查⸺對香港糖尿病護理的影響 Eye examination Diabetes mellitus 35 HKU Eye Center Inaugural Report The University of Hong Kong