About the Moderator

Professor Chan Ying-shing (陳應城教授)

Professor Chan graduated with BSc and PhD from The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received postdoctoral training at the Institute of Human Physiology, University of Pisa, Italy, and subsequently, The Rockefeller University, USA. Back at HKU, he currently serves as Associate Dean of Medicine, Director of Neuroscience Research Centre, and Dexter H C Man Family Professor in Medical Science. He is honoured with the First Medallion of the Australian Neuroscience Society. In neuroscience research, Professor Chan’s work initially focused on postnatal maturation of vestibular circuits for spatial recognition. Recently, his research has focused on (a) synaptic mechanisms that underlie plasticity of networks for spatial cognition, and (b) stem cell-derived new oligodendrocytes and neurons as substrates for experience-driven enhancement of the said plasticity. In the scientific community, Professor Chan served as Chairperson of the Asian/Pacific Regional Committee, International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), and President of the Federation of Asian-Oceania Neuroscience Societies. He is currently President of the Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry, and Co-Chairman of the International Scientific Program Committee of the 39th Congress of International Union of Physiological Sciences. He serves also as the Editor-in-Chief of IBRO Neuroscience Reports and an Associate Editor of European Journal of Neuroscience.


LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU

Tel: (852)39179305
Fax: (852)29740678
Email: medkefa@hku.hk