Delivering Medicine Beyond Culture and Disciplines

Poster Presentation Sessions

Venue: Exhibition Area

December 1, 2021


Venue: Exhibition Area

December 2, 2021


Time:11:00 – 12:30
Adjudicators:Dr Ning Wang, School of Chinese Medicine
Dr Hin Chu, Department of Microbiology
Presentation No.Presentation Title and Student
P5.01Generation of dorsal spinal GABAergic neurons from human urine cells by direct reprogramming for the treatment of central neuropathic pain

Miss FENG Xianglan
MPhil Candidate ǀ Anaesthesiology
P5.02In Silico Structure-based Discovery of A SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitor

Mr TANG Kaiming
MPhil Candidate ǀ Microbiology
P5.03Targeting the mevalonate pathway, a novel anti-ferroptosis pathway, in hepatocellular carcinoma treatment

Miss CHEN Yiling
PhD Candidate ǀ Pathology
P5.04Isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles secreted by Aspergillus

Mr YAO Weiming
PhD Candidate ǀ Microbiology
P5.05Sampling by Gargling for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Testing: Is Saline or Water Gargle a Better Sampling Medium?

Miss TSANG Ngai Yung Nicole
PhD Candidate ǀ School of Public Health
P5.06The role of Foxp2 in regulating expression of collagen 1 and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in kidney tubular epithelial cells

Miss ZOU Yixin
PhD Candidate ǀ Medicine
P5.07Establishment of Hong Kong Neuromuscular Disorder Patient Registry

Mr YU Kwan Leung
PhD Candidate ǀ Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
P5.08Corneal nerve changes in diabetic neuropathy

Miss ZHOU Ting
PhD Candidate ǀ Ophthalmology
P5.09The oncogene and stress resistance role of PPM1G in hepatocellular carcinoma

Ms LIU Shan
PhD Candidate ǀ Clinical Oncology
P5.10DGAT2 enhances ovarian cancer metastatic potential via altering the lipid metabolic activity and ferroptosis endurance in ovarian cancer cells

Miss ZHAN Shijie
PhD Candidate ǀ Obstetrics & Gynaecology
P5.11Overexpression of Ribosomal L22-like1 (RPL22L1) Enhances Cancer Stem Cell Properties and Promotes Tumor Progression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Ms HUANG Jinlin
PhD Candidate ǀ Clinical Oncology
P5.12A six-plex droplet digital RT-PCR assay for seasonal influenza virus typing, subtyping, and lineage determination

Mr LEONG Keng Chon
PhD Candidate ǀ School of Public Health
P5.13EBV regulates the host cells chromatin accessibility facilitating immune evasion

Mr CHUNG Lai Shun Dittman
PhD Candidate ǀ Clinical Oncology
P5.14Coronaviruses exploit a host cysteine-aspartic protease for efficient replication

Miss HOU Yuxin
PhD Candidate ǀ Microbiology
P5.15Extracellular vesicle-derived von Willebrand factor (vWF) activates VEGF-A and FGF2 pathway to promote tumorigenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma

Mr WONG Wan Ki
PhD Candidate ǀ Pathology
P5.16Genomic sequences and RNA binding proteins predict RNA splicing kinetics in various single-cell contexts

Miss HOU Ruiyan
PhD Candidate ǀ School of Biomedical Sciences
P5.17Molecular Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells with Cancer Stem Cell or Mesenchymal Characteristics in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Mr TAN Zhen
PhD Candidate ǀ Clinical Oncology
P5.18Treatment pathway, mortality and healthcare resource utilisation: a six-year population-based retrospective cohort study of treatment-resistant depression

Ms CHAN Kin Yi
PhD Candidate ǀ Pharmacology & Pharmacy
P5.19Mental health consequences of COVID-19 and other epidemics: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Miss LEUNG Man Chi
PhD Candidate ǀ School of Public Health
P5.20Pandemic fatigue and attenuated impact of public health and social measures against COVID-19 transmission in Hong Kong by cross-sectional telephone surveys

Miss GAO Huizhi
PhD Candidate ǀ School of Public Health