
People First@HKUMed 「以人為本」關顧員工身心健康 Stress-management Therapy 壓力管理輔導 New Staff Commons 新增共享空間 A pilot run of a Staff Therapy Programme began in early February this year. Facilitated by trained professionals, the therapy sessions, which are available online and in-person, offer a confidential and supportive environment for colleagues to share stressors or difficulties in both their personal and professional life. Prior to the pilot run, an online seminar on stress management was held, which also introduced the therapy programme. 僱員輔導計劃於2024年2月起試行,醫學院職員可選擇面談或網上輔導服 務,分享個人生活或職場中面對的壓力或困難,專業輔導員會在保密的環境下 提供支援。計劃試行前,醫學院亦舉辦了網上壓力管理研討會,並介紹僱員輔 導計劃。 Converted from the former Alumni Chamber, the HKUMed Staff/ Research Common commenced operation in January 2024. Located conveniently on the 7/F of William MW Mong Block, the new facility was designed for staff well-being and social networking. Equipped with chess boards, foosball and ping pong tables in a café setting with free drinks and snacks, the space was repurposed to serve as a dedicated area for staff to relax, unwind and recharge at lunch or after work. During office hours, the venue can be used by colleagues as a Research Common for discussions or meetings in a relaxed atmosphere to foster collaboration and innovation and build a community. 為增進員工福祉和彼此交流,位於蒙民偉樓7樓的原 校友室已改建為教職員/研究共享空間,並於2024年1月 啟用。新設施以咖啡室為設計概念,除提供免費飲品和小 食,亦配備棋盤、桌上足球和乒乓球桌,讓員工在午飯時 間或下班後可放鬆身心、恢復活力。辦公時間內,場地亦 可供員工在輕鬆的氛圍進行研究會議,以促進協作、激發 創新和建立社群聯繫。 As part of HKUMed’s ongoing commitment to staff well-being, a series of ‘People First’ staff-engagement initiatives were rolled out to nurture self-care and physical and mental wellness among colleagues. 學院持續致力促進員工福祉,推出「以人為本」計劃以 關顧員工身心健康。 49 HKUMed News Summer 2024