
Community Services Initiated by Medical Students 醫科生推動社區服務 ‘Blood Drive’ 流動捐血活動 ‘We Children Care’ Wellness Buddy Programme 朋輩心理健康計劃 Brick Exchange Platform 全球健康科學課程交流平台 Initiated by a group of MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) (DMS) students and in collaboration with Hong Kong Red Cross, ‘Blood Drive’ was held on HKU Main Campus on 25-27 March 2024 as a blood donation and public education campaign. The organising team comprised about 70 MBBS students, who assumed duties of project and manpower planning, liaising with Hong Kong Red Cross, venue and logistics arrangements, promotional video production, and designing games that help raise awareness of blood donation onsite. More than 200 blood donors were recruited through the three-day campaign, and the participating students earned valuable experience in community service. 此捐血及公眾教育活動與香港紅十字會合辦,由一班醫科生(包括「傑出醫 科學人」學生)發起。團隊由約70名醫科生組成,負責項目統籌、與香港紅十字 會聯絡等工作,更包辦人手、場地及後勤安排,製作宣傳短片和設計攤位遊戲。 活動於2024年3月25至27日在港大本部校園舉行,成功招募了逾200位捐血者, 讓有份參與活動的學生獲得寶貴的公益服務經驗。 In March 2024, about 30 MBBS and MBBS (DMS) students, who had received prior mental health first-aid training, conducted a wellness buddy programme for more than 40 secondary school students. The medical students served as senior supporters while secondary school students learned about mental health and communication. 2024年3月,約30名接受過心理健康急救培訓的醫科生(包括「傑出醫 科學人」學生)為40多名中學生舉辦朋輩心理健康工作坊,傳授心理健康知識 和有效的溝通技巧。 About 20 MBBS and MBBS (DMS) students came up with topics to post on ‘Brick Exchange’, a global health sciences curriculum exchange platform, to create a concise online information bank of medical education content for use by current and prospective medical students. 約20位醫科生(包括「傑出醫科學人」學生)共同策劃了一系列主題,計劃 在全球健康科學課程交流平台「Brick Exchange」上發布,旨在建立一個詳盡且 易於理解的網上醫學教育信息庫,供醫科生和有志習醫的學生參考。 Scan QR code for ‘Brick Exchange’ website 掃瞄二維碼瀏覽 「Brick Exchange」網頁 48