Scan the QR code to know more about this project 掃瞄二維碼了解上述協作計劃 SIMHSE has generated student-educator partnerships and studentled projects. The concerted efforts of students and teachers have proved to be effective in shifting institutional teaching and learning (T&L) and have attracted recognition both locally and globally. One of the projects, ‘Students as Co-Designers – Formalising Student-Educator Partnerships in Curriculum and Pedagogy Co-Creation’, received several accolades, including Champion in the Redesigning Student Learning Experience in Higher Education (RSLEIHE) Project Award Scheme 2023, the Global Bronze Award in The Power of Partnerships category at the 2023 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education Awards, Distinguished Service to the Community at the 27th Recognition Ceremony of the University, and the 2023 Teaching Innovation Award – Team Award Category, under the Teaching Excellence Award Scheme of the University. The project was led by Dr Khong Mei-li, in collaboration with team members Professor Gary Lau Kui-kai, Dr Peter Lau Fat-man, Professor Julian Tanner, and MBBS students Winson Chan Hei-man, Fok Jing-chen, Clement Ho Ka-chun, Monica Lee Ka-ching, Justin Ng Ka-yu and Odelle Wong Kar-yiu. In addition, three other HKUMed SIMHSE teams received the First Runner-up, People’s Choice Award, and two Merit Awards at RSLEIHE 2023. To encourage initiatives and recognise contributions in the application of pedagogical and technological innovations and to promote the active engagement of students in SIMHSE, the Faculty established the Poon Li Wai Hing Award for Student in Medical Education in October 2023. The inaugural winners were Winson Chan Hei-man, Fok Jing-chen, Park Yeh-joon, Teenie Wong Kwan-tung and Xiao Ailin. For details, please refer to p. 59, ‘Awards Received by SIMHSE Members’. 「師生共策教學」促成了多項的師生共同參與或由學生主導的項目,不僅提 升教學成效,亦獲得本地及國際認可。其中一項「師生協作:實現師生教學設計 共創」計劃,就榮獲多個獎項,包括RSLEIHE Project Award Scheme 2023 冠軍、QS 全球教學創新大獎「夥伴關係的力量」組別銅獎、港大第27屆學生嘉 許典禮傑出社區服務獎,及2023年度(港大)卓越大獎⸺創新教學獎(團隊獎)。 得獎團隊由孔美麗博士領導,成員包括劉巨基教授、柳發文博士、唐柱霖教授, 以及醫科生陳禧民、霍璟琛、何家俊、李嘉晴、吳嘉裕和王珈瑤。 此外,學院另外三組「師生共策教學」團隊在RSLEIHE 2023囊括亞軍、 民選獎及兩項優異獎。 為推動創新教學科技的應用,以及鼓勵學生積極參與「師生共策教學」, 學院於2023年10月設立潘李蕙馨「師生共策教學」獎,以表彰學生在設計課程 與學習模式的努力成果,首屆獲獎學生包括陳禧民、霍璟琛、朴叡俊、王筠彤 及蕭靄琳。詳情請參閲第59頁「師生共策教學」計劃團隊所得獎項。 By including students in teaching and pedagogical innovation, SIMHSE has proved to be conducive to the development of a student-centred, fit-for-purpose curriculum. In addition, extra opportunities are provided for students to develop both personally and professionally as future mentors and leaders in the healthcare profession. 我們的經驗證實「師生共策教學」計劃讓學生在教學創新方面發揮所長,有助開發以「學生為本」、且符合教學方針 的課程内容及學習模式。此外,計劃提供更多機會培育學生個人和專業發展,使他們成為未來專業醫護導師和領袖。 33 HKUMed News Summer 2024