Scan the QR code to know more about EdTech and SIMHSE at HKUMed 掃瞄二維碼以了解 港大醫學院的教學科技及 「師生共策教學」 Simulation-based Health Education 醫學健康模擬教育 Flashcard Generator 教學用記憶卡生成器 MCQ Generator / Viva Bot for Self or Formal Assessment 供個人或正式評核使用的多項選擇題生成器 / 模擬對話機械人 To further encourage students to promote the integration of technological and pedagogical innovations in teaching and learning, in particular artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, HKUMed set aside funding to support AI projects initiated by students or students with their mentors. Following are some of the ongoing projects: 為進一步鼓勵學生推動科技與教學創新融合,尤其是人工智能(AI)技術的應用,學院撥款資助 由學生或師生共同策劃的AI項目,當中包括: Virtual patients are created based on a variety of realistic scenarios to achieve a generalised framework for the creation of many customised chatbots related to medical and healthcare education. 參考真實病例,利用聊天機械人技術度身設計各種合適的虛擬病人,以應 用於醫療專業教育。 This is a platform to facilitate the automated generation of flashcards to help student learning. The aim is to create a Gold Standard flashcard library aligned with the learning objectives of the 140+ CORE Curriculum. 一個為輔助學生學習而設的平台,具有自動生成記憶卡功能,以製作一個 符合140+ CORE課程學習目標的標準記憶卡庫。 This is a prototype platform that can generate MCQs/viva questions based on the course content and student needs. Cross-disciplinary collaboration is also an integral part of SIMHSE. A Student Interest Group was formed in January 2024 to join hands with the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing of the Faculty of Engineering for the project ‘GenAI in Medical Education – Development of a Virtual Patient MegaChatbot and Student Learning Support System’. 此平台可根據課程內容及學生需要,生成多項選擇題或模擬口試題目。 跨學科合作也是「師生共策教學」 的重要一環。於2024年1月成立的學生 興趣小組與工程學院譚榮芬創科翼攜手開展生成式人工智能(GenAI)醫學教育 計劃,開發虛擬病人MegaChatbot及學生學習支援系統。 FEATURE + 32