HKUMed News (Vol 26 | Issue 2)

2011 - 2021 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Endowment Fund was established 創立矯形及創傷外科學系基金 (2011) Professor Kenneth Cheung Man-chee succeeded Professor Luk as Head of Department 張文智教授接任系主任 (2012) The first liquid nitrogen recycled autograft reconstruction surgery was performed in Hong Kong 首個液態氮冷凍自體骨移植重建手術在 香港進行 (2015) Spinal cord injury patient in Hong Kong walked again for the first time with the use of Exoskeleton 香港首位脊髓損傷病人使用機械腳後 重新步行 (2017) First robotic arm-assisted total joint arthroplasty was performed in a public hospital in Hong Kong thanks to a generous donation from Tam Shiu Charitable Trust 鳴謝譚兆慈善基金捐款支持於公立醫院 進行全港首宗機械臂輔助全關節置換手術 (2019) The first non-fusion scoliosis surgery by vertebral body tethering in Hong Kong and China was successfully performed 完成香港首宗VBT技術進行的非融合 脊柱側彎手術 (2019) Tam Shiu Anatomical Modelling Laboratory for 3D-Printing was established 譚兆基金3D人體模型實驗室成立(2020) Associate Professor Jason Cheung Pui-yin succeeded Professor Kenneth Cheung as Head of Department 臨床副教授鍾培言接任系主任 (2021) Professor Keith Luk succeeded Professor Leong as Head of the Department 陸瓞驥教授接任系主任 (2003) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was officially renamed Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 骨科正名為矯形及創傷外科學系 (2004) A novel artificial finger joint was developed 研發了新型人工手指關節 The first magnetically controlled growing rod system for early-onset scoliosis was carried out 首次使用磁控生長桿治療早發性脊柱側彎 (2008) Genetic risk factors for degenerative disc diseases in the Chinese population were discovered 發現華裔人口中椎間盤突出的遺傳風險 因子 (2008) 2001 - 2010 35 HKUMed News Winter 2021