Milestones of the Department 六十年里程碑 FEATURE + 1981 - 2000 Professor John Leong Chi-yan succeeded Professor Arthur Yau as Head of the Department 梁智仁教授接任系主任 (1981) Bone banking service was established at Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院提供「骨骼組織庫」服務 (1983) The Motion Analysis Laboratory was established at Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital 大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院成立 「兒童體智測研計劃中心」(1986) Dr Keith Luk Dip-kei introduced pedicle screw fixation for posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) to Hong Kong 陸瓞驥醫生在香港為後路腰椎椎體間 融合術(PLIF) 引入椎弓根螺釘內固定 (1989) The Orthopaedic Research Centre was established at HKUMed 骨科研究中心於港大醫學院正式成立 (1995) Collaborative centres with units in China were established: Yantai Shan Hospital (Shandong), Peking Union Medical College and Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hospital (Guangzhou) 與內地不同醫院展開合作計劃及設立骨科 中心,包括山東煙台山醫院、北京協和 醫學院、廣州中山大學孫逸仙紀念醫院 Dr AR Hodgson was recruited to head the Orthopaedic Unit of the Department of Surgery at The University of Hong Kong 港大委任AR Hodgson醫生為外科學系 骨科主任 (1951) The first paper on the anterior approach to treat spinal tuberculosis as devised by Dr Hodgson and Professor Francis Stock was published in the British Journal of Surgery. The surgery became known as ‘the Hong Kong Operation’ 首份關於「脊椎前路手術治療結核性脊椎 炎」的學術論文由AR Hodgson醫生及 Francis Stock教授撰寫並刊登於國際期刊 《British Journal of Surgery》;此項突破 性技術被譽為「香港手術」 Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital was established (now named as ‘The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay’) 根德公爵夫人兒童骨科醫院 (後稱大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院) 落成啟用 (1956) The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was formally established and Dr AR Hodgson was appointed as its Founding Professor 骨科學系正式成立,AR Hodgson醫生 獲委任為創系系主任 (1961) 1950 - 1961 The first total hip replacement in Hong Kong was performed by Professor AR Hodgson AR Hodgson 教授在香港進行第一宗 全髖關節置換手術 (1970) Professor Arthur Yau and Dr John O’Brien developed a novel halo-pelvic apparatus for correction of tuberculosis kyphosis 邱明才教授與John O’Brien醫生研發了骨盆 牽引器來糾正結核性脊柱後凸 (1973) Professor Arthur Yau succeeded Professor AR Hodgson as Head of the Department 邱明才教授接任系主任 (1975) The first transpedicular decancellation osteotomy for ankylosing spondylitis was carried out in Hong Kong 首宗強直性脊椎炎的「經椎弓根去鬆質 骨化截骨術」在香港進行 1962 - 1980 34