understanding of the causes of this affliction, and we have since explored alternative handling to surgery, such as stem cell therapy or other pharmacological treatments,’ he said. Relieving Pain Nurturing Talents Professor Cheung held education on par with treatment and research in a three-pronged strategy of his leadership. ‘Whether it is diagnosis or surgery, research or teaching, there is only one goal: to relieve patients of their suffering.’ Professor Cheung, who has persevered in both teaching and practising medicine, praises the ‘Enrichment Year’ introduced by the Faculty. ‘Spending their Enrichment Year at the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, students develop such a close relationship with their mentors which is essentially an apprenticeship. I am greatly impressed by not only their fervent enthusiasm in the pursuit of scholarship and hands-on experience, but also the fearless initiative to ask questions and assist in research, which facilitates more thorough understanding of the discipline of their chosen vocation.’ The biggest educational challenge for the Department is the lack of space: student intake is on the rise while case capacity is very much constrained by venue, leading to access to only a few patients by numerous groups. ‘We are now working with Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital, and The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital is also providing a lot of clinical opportunities to enrich students’ learning experience.’ Professor Cheung intends to continue practising medicine and teaching after he stepped down from the Department’s helm. ‘Indeed, I am a bit wistful to leave, as these nine years bestowed me with fond memories of working extensively with university colleagues. I am also pleased that in an administrative role I enjoyed a more enriching career than only caring for patients. And blessed to have played a part in the Department’s numerous inventions and milestone projects. But I also look forward to new changes, because new ideas come by less easily when the same people run things for an extended period, and fresh blood is crucial fuel for forging ahead into new horizons.’ ‘As Chair of the Orthopaedic Medicine Centre at HKU-Shenzhen Hospital since July. I hope by utilising this platform, our research ↑Educating the next generation of talents is the mission shared by members of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 矯形及創傷外科學系 成員的共同目標與使 命是培育新一代醫學 專才 31 HKUMed News Winter 2021