Medical Faculty News v25i1

隱性乙型肝炎帶菌者從開始 使用利妥昔單抗藥物之後, 有40%病人的病毒在兩年內會重新激活。 如果未能妥善控制, 重新激活的乙型肝炎病毒會引致 肝臟衰竭,甚至是死亡。 結果顯示,儘管乙型肝炎病毒不活躍, 病人仍然需要預防性治療。 這個治療方向已經成為了全世界的 標準治療方案。 Biography 簡歷 Dr Walter Seto Wai-kay graduated from HKUMed in 2003 and received his Fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2010 from the Hong Kong College of Physicians. He received his Doctor of Medicine from HKU in 2012. He is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in HKUMed. He is also Assistant Hospital Chief Executive (Research); Medical Director, Clinical Trials Center of HKU-Shenzhen Hospital. He has published more than 170 international journal articles and book chapters, including first-authored articles in The Lancet, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Gut, Journal of Hepatology and Hepatology , the majority of which is related to research on chronic liver diseases. He has been awarded external grand funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund, the Research Grant Council and the Health and Medical Research Fund. He has over 80 invited international and local lectures. 司徒偉基醫生2003年畢業於港大醫學院,2010年 獲香港內科醫學院腸胃肝臟科院士資格,2012年獲 香港大學頒授醫學博士學位;現在是港大醫學院內 科學系臨床副教授,同時也是港大深圳醫院的助理 院長(科研事務)及臨床試驗中心主任。 司徒醫生發表逾170篇論文及書籍章節,其中 包括在國際期刊《刺針》、《Journal of Clinical Oncology》、《Gut》、《Journal of Hepatology》和 《Hepatology》等以第一作者身份發表與慢性肝 病研究相關的文章。他也取得創新及科技基金、研 究資助局及醫療衞生研究基金的高額資助;亦曾獲 邀出席超過80場國際和本地講座。 Honours and Awards 榮譽與獎項 2019 Sir David Todd Lecture, Hong Kong College of Physicians 獲邀擔任香港內科專科學院達安輝教授講座 講者 2018 Asia-Pacific Digestive Week Emerging Leader from the APDW Federation 亞太消化病周聯盟「亞太消化病周」明日領袖 2018 Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award, HKUMed 港大醫學院知識交流獎 2017 Guangdong Province Outstanding Young Medical Talent Award 廣東省衞生健康委員會傑出青年醫學人才獎 2016 - 2017 Outstanding Young Research Award, HKU 香港大學傑出青年研究學者 2013 Distinguished Young Fellow from the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 香港醫學專科學院傑出青年院士 33 Medical Faculty News