HKUMed UG Prospectus 2022

MBBS/Doctor of Philosophy (MBBS/PhD) ;OL 4)): 7O+ PZ H M\SS [PTL JVTIPULK WYVNYHTTL L_[LUKPUN over not less than nine years and leading to the award of IV[O 4)): HUK 7O+ KLNYLLZ \WVU NYHK\H[PVU 0M `V\ HYL HKTP[[LK [V [OPZ WYVNYHTTL `V\ ^PSS W\YZ\L M\SS [PTL YLZLHYJO \UKLY [OL Z\WLY]PZPVU VM -HJ\S[` [LHJOLYZ HUK undertake coursework prescribed by the Graduate School HUK [OL -HJ\S[` @V\ TH` HSZV H[[LUK VW[PVUHS JSPUPJHS study sessions that are of your interest. An exciting feature of this programme is that you may YLJLP]L WHY[ VM `V\Y [YHPUPUN H[ PU[LYUH[PVUHSS` YLUV^ULK PUZ[P[\[PVUZ V]LYZLHZ [OYV\NO [OL -HJ\S[`»Z PU[LYUH[PVUHS network for research collaborations. HKUMed also has joint PhD/joint educational placement MVY 7O+ WYVNYHTTLZ ^P[O 2PUN»Z *VSSLNL 3VUKVU HUK [OL University of Toronto. :[HY[PUN MYVT [OL /2:(9 NV]LYUTLU[ OHZ ^HP]LK 7O+ JVTWVZP[PVU MLLZ MVY HSS SVJHS Z[\KLU[Z 0U HKKP[PVU *YV\JOLY -V\UKH[PVU :JOVSHYZOPWZ HYL H]HPSHISL MVY H maximum of three outstanding MBBS/PhD students each year to cover the monthly postgraduate studentships, research bench fees and allowances for overseas conference attendance and/or exchange. 18