HKUMed UG Prospectus 2022

Multimedia Learning Our programme has pioneered the use of advanced technology in teaching and learning to help you learn basic and advanced medical knowledge effectively. HKUMed has been an early HKVW[LY VM ]PY[\HS YLHSP[` =9 [LJOUVSVN` HUK PZ VUL VM [OL ^VYSK»Z best equipped medical schools for learning of anatomy through =9 ;VVSZ Z\JO HZ (UH[VTHNL H M\SS` ZLNTLU[LK YLHS O\THU + dissection platform, allow for exploration and learning of human HUH[VT` PU PUUV]H[P]L ^H`Z 7VPU[ VM JHYL \S[YHZV\UK 76*<: PZ integrated early in our curriculum to enable medical students to practise ultrasound scanning skills anytime anywhere. Active and Student-centred Learning .\PKLK I` V\Y ^VYSK JSHZZ [LHJOPUN MHJ\S[` `V\Y SLHYUPUN ^PSS [HRL WSHJL [OYV\NO HU PUUV]H[P]L T\S[P WYVUNLK HWWYVHJO VM JVU]LU[PVUHS JSHZZLZ ZTHSS NYV\W [\[VYPHSZ HUK T\S[PTLKPH SLHYUPUN YLZV\YJLZ 7YVISLT IHZLK SLHYUPUN ^PSS LUHISL `V\ [V develop effective communication skills and good teamwork skills in a medical context. Our excellent digital resources will enable you to learn at your own pace and in your own style. These resources are supplemented by interactive forums that allow active engagement and discussion amongst students and teachers. Early Clinical Exposure and Structured Acquisition of Clinical Interpersonal Skills As early as the first semester of Year 1, you will start learning the interpersonal and clinical skills necessary for effective and compassionate care for patients. This exposure will gradually increase in both mastery and complexity as your studies progress. Much of the learning will take place in the W\YWVZL I\PS[ *SPUPJHS :RPSSZ ;YHPUPUN *LU[YL HZZPZ[LK I` H ^LSS KL]LSVWLK JSPUPJHS ZRPSSZ L WSH[MVYT 5