2. Southern District Signature Project Scheme – Community Ophthalmic Examination Services 南區社區重點項目眼科檢查項目 Eye examination 50M funding support In May 2019, HKU Ophthalmology established a community eye screening programme in collaboration with the Southern District Council of Hong Kong. The project was selected as the district’s Signature Project Scheme and generously supported by the HKSAR government with the sum of HKD 50 million for start-up and operational costs. The aim of the five-year project is to provide free, comprehensive and ophthalmologist-led eye assessment and consultation service to residents of the Southern District of Hong Kong, aged 50 and above. The project has provided an important opportunity for early and accurate identification of potentially sightthreatening eye conditions, facilitating timely referral and management. 香港大學眼科學系自2019年5月聯同南區區議會 成立眼科檢查中心,為五十歲或以上的南區居民 提供免費而全面的眼科檢查服務,期望能及早察 覺隱性眼疾,令居民適時得到治療。中心同時亦 會收集眼科檢查數據作科學分析,為未來南區以 至整個香港的醫療政策提供基礎資料,並增加現 時對常見眼睛疾病的了解,長遠有助開發新的診 斷技術和治療方針。 As of 31 March 2022, we have examined a total of 11,272 Hong Kong residents. 截至2022年3月31日,我們共 檢查了11,272名香港居民。 We have identified 3411 patients with cataract; 1250 patients with glaucoma or glaucoma suspects, and 1305 patients with macular and retinal diseases. 我們確定了3411名白內障患者; 其中1250人為青光眼患者或懷疑 患有青光眼,1305人為黃斑和視 網膜疾病患者。 2,705 patients have been referred to specialist outpatient clinics for further management. 2,705 名患者被轉介至專科門診 接受進一步治療。 Most patients developing visual impairment at the early stages are not aware of the possibility of irreversible blindness years later. 大多數在早期階段出現視力障 礙的患者並沒有意識到多年後 會出現失明的可能性。 33 HKU Eye Center Inaugural Report The University of Hong Kong