Bachelor of Nursing

Programme Aims and Themes

The Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs) is a five-year full-time programme leading to an honours degree. The objective of the BNurs programme is to provide comprehensive and holistic nursing education and nurture generic nurses who will be able to work as competent practitioners in various health care settings.

The credit-based curriculum is broad-based and multidisciplinary, and is designed to introduce the bio-psychosocial aspects of health and nursing care. It provides a balance between the broad areas of nursing, biological, behavioural and social sciences. The learning outcomes will enable students to obtain knowledge through the study of different disciplines, and to develop an inquiring mind, interpersonal skills and an understanding of the socio-cultural context in which nursing is practised in Hong Kong.

The degree programme emphasises the integration of theory and practice. Students are exposed to a variety of clinical environments throughout the study. Comprehensive learning of clinical skills is under the supervision of experienced teaching staff . The process of teaching and learning is directed by nursing academics with a wide range of expertise, supported by the excellent facilities in various departments of the Medical Faculty and clinical settings.

Modes of Learning

The BNurs programme incorporates various teaching and learning strategies, e.g., problem-based learning; inter-professional team-based learning; audiovisuals; computer-assisted learning, demonstrations, field trips and educational visits to clinical agencies and community settings. The main classroom teaching approaches include lectures, seminars and tutorials. Clinical education is achieved by laboratory teaching, innovative simulation activities and clinical practicum.

Nursing skills are acquired through life demonstrations, simulation, videos, computer-assisted learning and practice. For Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology courses, the laboratory experiences relate to demonstration of specific areas in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology.

Clinical Practicum

The programme emphasises on clinical practice. Students have the opportunity to learn and practise under the instruction and supervision of experienced teachers in all aspects of nursing - from basic to advanced complex care, in community and in comprehensive teaching hospitals, such as Queen Mary Hospital. Clinical practicum is arranged in blocks of practice to allow students to consolidate the nursing themes and skills. Clinical placements are arranged in:

• community centres;
• aged care centres;
• outpatient clinics; and
• specialties in hospitals, including Medical and Surgical Units, Paediatrics Unit, Obstetrics Unit, Accident & Emergency Unit, Operation Theatre, and many more.

Overseas Exchange Opportunities

The programme is designed to nurture nursing leaders with an international outlook. Students are provided with sponsorships to participate in overseas exchange programmes in top universities, including but not limited to: University of Pennsylvania, Case Western Reserve University, University of Toronto, Peking University, Korea University, The University of Tokyo, Kaohsiung Medical University, University of Navarra and The University of Sydney.

Programme Structure

The BNurs curriculum includes various courses in each year with an aim to prepare students to be capable of working in different settings as nursing professionals. The main areas covered are Nursing Core Courses, Nursing of Specialised Populations, Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Practice, Foundations in Nursing Research, Nursing Electives, Nursing Practica, Life Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology, and Behavioural Sciences. This curriculum structure allows maximum longitudinal and lateral correlations between courses.

There are a total of 44 courses running throughout five years. Among these courses, 26 belong to core courses and 7 are practicum courses which aim at preparing students to become competent practitioners. There are also 1 Life Enrichment Learning course, 1 nursing elective course, 3 language courses and 6 common core courses. Altogether they constitute 303 credits in the entire curriculum.

Pending approval from the University. Timetable arrangements may vary from year to year.

More videos on the Bachelor of Nursing Programme


For further enquires on the admissions process and the curriculum for the Bachelor of Nursing:

Phone: (852) 3917 6600

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