Poster Presentation Guidelines
Preparing your poster presentation before the Symposium
- Design your e-poster with an attractive outlook to (a) provide a brief overview of your work focusing on the objectives, hypothesis, academic progress and scientific merits of your project; and (b) initiate discussion and questions. Only cover the key points of your work.
- A horizontally-displayed digital poster panel (either a 50” or 86” panel, randomly allocated) will be provided to display your poster. A reference photo of the panels could be found here.
- Your e-poster must adhere to the following specifications:
- File format: JPG
- Size in pixel: 3840 (w) x 2160 (h) – landscape orientation
- Include text, diagram, figures and images only, do not add videos to your e-poster
- File name to be your allocated presentation number and your name as per your student ID, e.g. P1.16 Chan Tai Man
- Please create your poster in PPT (PPT reference template) and export it to a JPG in the specified resolution for submission (JPG submission sample)
- Your poster does not need to follow the template in exact; however please note font size smaller than the smallest font in the template may not display properly on the panel and will be illegible
- Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible.
Poster upload and arrangements
- 15 digital poster panels will be setup at the exhibition area and lecture theatre foyer by 12:00 nn on November 27, 2023. The panels will be numbered from 1 to 15. Students with presentation number 1.01, 2.01, 3.01, 4.01, 5.01 and 6.01 will present at digital panel number 1; presentation number 1.02, 2.02, 3.02, 4.02, 5.02 and 6.02 will present at digital panel number 2, and so on.
- Your e-poster file must be submitted via the online presentation file submission system
by November 17, 2023. Submission instruction will be announced in mid-October with the abstract acceptance email. - All posters will be open for viewing from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on November 28 through to November 30, 2023. Poster panels will be removed on November 31, 2023.
- During non-session times, each panel will loop display 6-9 posters; during session times, each panel will loop 2-3 posters from the respective session; and just before you are about to present, please select your presentation file to be statically displayed and gently inform the timer (who should be timing the presenter just before you) you are ready.
Presenting your poster at the Symposium
- Poster presenters are expected to be available next to their posters during their entire allocated session to present their work and to address any questions from adjudicators and participants.
- Adjudicators will be provided with all poster abstracts in advance and will request presentations (of 3 mins + 1 min Q&A) from presenters during their allocated sessions.
- Presenters not available at their posters when the adjudicators visit will be forfeited from the competition.
- Adjudicators will grade presentations and posters using this scoring rubric.
- Adjudicators will together, select two best poster presenters for each session. Best presenters will each be awarded a Certificate of Merit and a cash prize of $1,000.
- Winners will be announced at the award ceremony of the symposium and will be contacted via email by the end of December 2023 to finalise arrangements for the cash award.
- All RPg students are expected to participate actively by staying through the event and raising questions to other presenters. Attendance to all three Plenary Lectures is compulsory for all RPg students.