I take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 6th annual Faculty Research Symposium of the Medical Faculty of The University of Hong Kong, entitled Frontiers in Biomedical Research, HKU 2007, to be held on Thursday, December 13, 2007. The Symposium this year will mark the end of the year-long celebration of the 120th anniversary of our Faculty.

Building on the success in the past five years, the Symposium this year is again organized along the five strategic research themes of the Faculty, i.e. Cancer, Healthy Aging, Infection and Immunology, Public Health, and Reproduction and Development. The Symposium will focus on cutting edge research at the frontiers of science, and we are delighted to have prominent experts from overseas and outstanding local researchers in various fields of research to share with us their insights and experience.

A scientific programme of very high standard has been developed. We very much look forward to welcoming you to this important and memorable scientific meeting.

Dr Mai-Har Sham
Chairperson, Organizing Committee