Oral Presentation 2

Brain network dysfunction - a candidate predictive biomarker for outcome of first episode psychosis?

Zhang Jie
Shantou University


Dr Jie Zhang earned his Ph.D. in Medical Imaging in 2013 and his M.B.B.S. degree in 2004. He completed his resident training at Shantou University Mental Health Centre (SUMHC). He finished the China Scholarship sponsored Neuroscience Training Program at Department of Psychiatry, Yale University as well as the Dr Cheng Yu Tung Fellowships funded Clinical Research Fellow Program at Department of Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong. He is currently an psychiatrist and Associate Director of Department of Science & Education at SUMHC. Dr Zhang's clinical research is concentrated largely on exploring the brain biomarkers for strategies of intervention and prevention associated with major mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. Moreover, much of his basic research has focused on identifying the contributions of the amino acid neurotransmitter systems (GABA and Glutamate) to the neurobiology of behavioral disorders related with Early Life Adversity (ELA) and the potential mechanism of drug intervention. Specifically, he employed ELA rodent model to explore the effects of early life stress on cellular and molecular biology, and examined the molecular and behavioral effects of drug intervention strategies targeting these affected systems. In addition, he is interested in the research to evaluate the clinical efficacy of brain stimulation technologies applied for treatment of mental disorders.

醫學博士,碩士研究生導師,主治醫師,心理治療師。現工作于汕頭大學精神衛生中心。中國醫師協會會員(2016-2017)、廣東省健康教育專家庫成員(2015-)、廣東省醫學會精神醫學分會青年委員(2017-)、廣東省預防醫學會精神衛生專業委員會委員兼秘書(2016-)、汕頭大學醫學院-加拿大曼尼托巴大學醫學院生物精神病學聯合實驗室學術秘書(2015-)。2011年-2013年美國耶魯大學醫學院精神病學系postgraduate fellow;2016-2017香港大學醫學院鄭裕彤博士獎學金獲得者。主持廣東省自然科學基金專案(2014A030310456)和廣東省醫學科研基金專案(A2014024),參與了國家自然科學基金重點專案(30930027)和國家自然科學基金面上專案(30670756)研究工作,發表專業論文10餘篇及科普文章5篇。專業特長:抑鬱/焦慮障礙、睡眠障礙、認知功能康復、青少年心理問題;研究方向:1.精神疾病的早期干預和優化治療;2.精神疾病的認知功能研究。



Since the chronic, recurrent and disabling course for schizophrenia (SCH), first episode of psychosis (FEP), considered as early stage SCZ, is classically viewed as a critical period for determining the outcome of the illness. Duration of untreated psychosis (DUP), one of the few potentially modifiable factors, is able to predict the short- and long-term outcomes of psychosis. The emerging evidence indicated resting-state functional connectivity (rs-fcMRI), reflecting the intrinsic fluctuations in neural activity, was impaired in the FEP, however, it is unclear whether the impairment in the functional connectivity is due to the effects of untreated psychosis. We systematically reviewed the literature on the association between the length of DUP and brain functional connectivity, determined with rs-fcMRI, in the FEP.


We searched five electronic databases and conducted forward and backward citation searching to identify relevant papers. Studies were included if they: (1) included FEP patients who were treatment naive or minimally treated; and (2) had correlated measures of DUP with resting brain network/connectivity measures.


We identified ten studies that met the inclusion criteria. Seven examined the correlation between DUP and brain functional connectivity. There was evidence of associations in brain network considered important in FEP; however, the findings were inconsistent across studies. The majority of included studies were not primarily designed to examine whether DUP is correlated with brain network, and there were a limitations in methodology and sample size within most studies included.


Current available evidence suggest that there is little evidence of an association between untreated psychosis and brain network dysfunction in FEP. Although the limitations in design and methodology were found within the studies, there are few outcome-oriented studies support the dysfunctional brain network mediate the relationship between longer DUP and worsened outcome for intervention. Future studies, specifically designed to examine relation between DUP and brain functional network in FEP are necessary.




我們在包括Pubmed,Medline,Web of Science等在內的5個主要英文資料庫中進行選擇性搜索。將符合下列條件的文獻作為分析物件。1)研究物件必須是首次發作和幾乎沒有接受治療的精神病患者;2)必須包括精神病未治時間和靜息態腦神經連接的直接相關性分析。



