MBBS Class of 2013 Reunion BNurs Class of 2013 Reunion MBBS Class of 2003 Reunion 12/11/2023 ‘It was a memorable night, catching up with old friends while seeing new faces joining our big family. All of us were eager for another gathering – and who knows what is waiting ahead in the next 10 years?’ 「與舊同學聚首、認識他們的新家庭成員,實在既 難得又難忘。大家都期待再次見面⸺誰知道未來 十年,會有什麽驚喜等待著我們?」 ― Dr Lily Chan (MBBS 2013) 04/11/2023 ‘BNurs Class 2013 had our very first reunion to celebrate 10 years since graduation. Our classmates and teachers were delighted to spend the evening catching up with each other.’ 「為慶祝畢業十周年,2013年護理學學士畢業班首次 重聚,老師和同學都難掩興奮心情,彼此分享近況。」 ― Ms Carmen Yuen (BNurs 2013) 20/10/2023 ‘What an incredible feeling that 20 years have passed! It was a fabulous night meeting up with old friends and classmates. I am already looking forward to our next gathering!’ 「二十年匆匆而過,實在令人難以置信!團聚晚宴 席間大家言談甚歡,並期待再次相聚!」 ― Professor Walter Seto Wai-kay 司徒偉基教授 (MBBS 2003) ALUMNI REUNIONS校友聚會 Celebrating 20 Years since Graduation 慶祝畢業二十周年 Celebrating 10 Years since Graduation 慶祝畢業十周年 77 HKUMed News Summer 2024