
People 人物 About 200 alumni and guests gathered in the Chariot Club to celebrate the Year of the Dragon and the 25th anniversary of the HKU Medical Alumni Association (HKUMAA). 約200位校友及嘉賓參加在馬車會所舉辦的香港大學醫學院校友會 (HKUMAA) 2024年春茗晚宴,並慶祝HKUMAA成立25周年。 01/03/2024 HKUMAA 2024 Spring Dinner HKUMAA 2024年春茗晚宴 An outdoor hiking event was organised by the HKU Public Health Alumni Society (the Society) on Lamma Island in Spring 2024 for alumni to reconnect and get to know other members of the Society. 香港大學公共衞生校友會於2024年春季舉辦南丫島遠足活動, 讓大家在畢業後再次相聚、與修讀公共衞生的各屆校友們彼此認識、 加強聯繫。 13/04/2024 Hiking on Lamma 南丫島遠足活動 HKU Alumni Day 2024 was held on the University’s Foundation Day. The inaugural event welcomed more than 4,000 alumni and their families to explore HKU’s new facilities and latest developments. In addition to live music performed by members of HKUMed, the Faculty members delivered two enlightening health seminars for alumni and guests. 港大「校友日」吸引逾4,000位校友重回校園,參觀大學設施、慶祝 奠基紀念日,同時了解大學最新發展,緬懷校園歲月。現場不單有 醫學院師生校友的音樂表演,學院教職員更為來賓與校友帶來兩場 健康講座。 16/03/2024 HKU Alumni Day 2024 2024年度港大校友日 ALUMNI NEWS校友活動 74