People 人物 IN REMEMBRANCE永遠懷念 With profound sadness, HKUMed reports the passing of a cherished alumnus, esteemed surgeon and medical educator Professor Joseph Lau Wan-yee, SBS on 7 February 2024. Professor Lau graduated from the Faculty in 1972, and subsequently practised in Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret and Prince of Wales hospitals before undertaking specialist training at the University of London in the UK. He became a consultant surgeon in 1988 and joined the Department of Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 1989, taking the helm of the Department in 1996. Most recently, he served as Emeritus Professor of the Department of Surgery, Research Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Master of Lee Woo Sing College of CUHK. An acclaimed hepato-pancreato-biliary surgeon locally, nationally and internationally, Professor Lau was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was awarded Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2003, Honorary Fellow of College of Surgeons of Hong Kong in 2011 and Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2021. In addition, he held many key positions in government and professional organisations. He was an editorial board member of numerous national and international journals; President of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association from 2002 to 2004; President of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association from 2009 to 2011; and Chairman of The Medical Council of Hong Kong from 2012 to 2024 till his retirement in January this year, to name a few. In recognition of his contribution in the medical field and public service, Professor Lau was awarded the Wu Jieping Medical Prize in 2012 and the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2013. Professor Lau’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of medical education and practice has left an indelible mark on the healthcare profession. The Faculty extend our heartfelt condolences to his family. 傑出校友、著名外科醫生暨學者劉允怡教授,SBS 於2024年2月7日辭世,醫學院仝寅深表哀悼。 劉教授在1972畢業於港大醫學院,在瑪麗醫院、伊利 沙伯醫院、瑪嘉烈醫院和威爾斯親王醫院行醫,及後 於英國倫敦大學接受專科訓練。劉教授於1988年成為 外科顧問醫生,於1989年加入香港中文大學(中大) 醫學院外科學系,並於1996年執掌該系,近年擔任中 大醫學院研究教授、外科學系榮休教授及中大和聲書 院院長。 劉教授是本地、國內及國際知名的肝膽胰外科專家, 在2003年當選中國科學院院士及獲頒澳大利亞皇家 外科醫學院榮譽院士,2011年獲頒香港外科醫學院 榮譽院士,並於2021年獲委任為香港醫學專科學院 榮譽院士。此外,劉教授亦出任不同公職及領導多個 專業團體。他曾任多本國內外期刊編委;2002至 2004年國際肝膽胰協會主席;2009至2011年亞太 肝膽胰協會主席;以及2012至2024年香港醫務委員 會主席至本年一月榮休。劉教授於2012年獲頒吳階 平醫學獎,並於2013年獲頒銀紫荊星章,以表揚他 對醫療界及社會的貢獻。 劉教授致力維護醫學教育和醫療服務的最高標準,對 醫療界影響深遠。醫學院仝寅將永遠懷念他,並向其 家人致以深切慰問。 Professor Joseph Lau Wan-yee, SBS 劉允怡教授,SBS 72