‘I hope you will view today not as an end, but as the beginning of the next stage of your journey with the Faculty.’ 「我期望剛畢業的同學不會視今天為你和 醫學院的關係『告一段落』,而是大家共 同邁向嶄新旅程的『開始』。」 ⸺ Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine 院長劉澤星教授 The 211th Congregation 第211屆學位頒授典禮 About 600 graduates proudly crossed the stage in the Grand Hall of the HKU Centennial Campus on 2 December 2023, in celebration of their academic achievements at the 211th Congregation, witnessed by their families and friends. Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) was the Presiding Officer and conferred the degrees upon the graduates. Gracing the event as Guest of Honour was Mr Carl Wu, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of New Frontier Group. In his first major event since his appointment as the 41st Dean of Medicine, Professor Chak-sing Lau delivered The Dean’s Letter, in which he defined success of the Faculty as the cultivation of a sense of belonging among students and staff and continued partnerships with valued stakeholders. 近600位畢業生齊集港大百周年校園大會堂,出席第211屆學位頒授典禮,在親友的 見證下分享畢業的喜悅。 典禮由副校長(教學)何立仁教授主持,並為畢業生頒授學位。新風天域聯合創始人 兼首席執行官吳啟楠先生擔任特別嘉賓致辭。 劉澤星教授首次以第41任港大醫學院院長身分發表《院長親函》,並指出學院「成功」 的定義,在於培養師生的歸屬感,以及與各持分者維持長期的伙伴關係。 Read The Dean’s Letter 閱讀《院長親函》 (只供英文版) 4