
Winners of the 2023 HKOA Annual Congress Awards 2023 年度香港骨科醫學會 周年會議得獎者 (Faculty members from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed) (臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系教職員) • Smith and Nephew Best Paper Presentation Award in Sports Medicine - Gold Award Professor Peter Yau Wai-pan 丘偉鵬教授 • AR Hodgson Award for Best Clinical Paper Professor Lewis Chan Ping-keung 陳秉強教授 • Arthur Yau Award for the Best Clinical Paper Dr Michelle Hilda Luk 陸曉恩醫生 LOCAL / Team HKU ORT (Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed) x MMRC won the Champion of Barrier Busters Charity Award (Public Teams) at The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation – Barrier Busters 2023 由臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系 及麥理浩復康院組成的Team HKU ORT x MMRC獲香港復康會頒發 無障行者2023破障慈善愛心獎(公開 隊伍)冠軍 HKU received the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Gold Award (Represented by School of Nursing, University Health Service and Human Resources Office) 香港大學獲頒「香港無煙領先企業大獎 2023」金獎(由護理學院、香港大學 醫療保健處及人力資源部代表) Professor Paul Lee Chi-ho (Medicine, SClinMed) was awarded the Richard Yu Lectureship granted by Hong Kong College of Physicians and Royal College of Physicians Joint Scientific Meeting 2023 Professor David Lui Tak-wai, Professor Loey Mak Lung-yi (Medicine, SClinMed) and Professor Pauline Yeung Pui-ning (Critical Care Medicine Unit, SClinMed) received the Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigators 2023 臨床醫學學院內科學系李智豪教授獲2023年度香港内科醫學院及 英國皇家内科醫學會聯合科學會議頒發Richard Yu Lectureship 同系的麥龍兒教授及呂德威教授,以及臨床醫學學院深切治療醫學部 楊珮寧教授則獲頒2023年度青年學者優秀研究論文獎 Professor Alan Wong Siu-lun (Biomedical Sciences) received the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize (STIP) 2023 in the field of Life and Health 生物醫學學院黃兆麟教授獲「中銀香港 科技創新獎2023」頒發「生命健康」 領域獎 Professor Philip Li Hei (Medicine, SClinMed) was awarded the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for Best MD Thesis; Professor Li also received the Best Abstract Award in Basic Science and Translational Research and Award for Excellence 2023, granted by the Department of Medicine, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院內科學系李曦教授獲 學院頒發Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for Best MD Thesis 李教授亦獲臨床醫學學院內科學系 頒發Best Abstract Award in Basic Science and Translational Research 及2023年度卓越獎 Professor Yen Hui-ling (Public Health) received the ‘Rosie Young 90 Medal for Outstanding Young Woman Scholar’ 公共衞生學院嚴慧玲教授獲頒 「楊紫芝90傑出青年女學者獎」 Professor Keiji Fukuda (Honorary Professor, School of Public Health) was conferred Honorary University Fellowship by HKU 公共衞生學院名譽教授福田敬二教授 獲港大頒授名譽大學院士銜 Professor Allie Lee (Ophthalmology, SClinMed) was awarded the Teaching Development Grant to develop an innovative eye movement simulator 臨床醫學學院眼科學系李雅麗教授獲 港大教學發展補助金,以開發創新的 眼動模擬器 57 HKUMed News Summer 2024 本 地獎 項 成就