
Interactive E-learning Sets 線上互動學習套件 Active Learning Workshops 主動學習研討會 Empowering Students as Active Partners of Change – Students in Medical and Health Sciences Education 學生主導 促進創新 ⸺ 師生共策教學 Near-peer teaching and mentorship are common practices in preclinical education to cultivate early awareness of the role of physicians as teachers. At HKUMed, ‘Students in Medical Education’ is an ongoing initiative to actively engage medical students in teaching and pedagogical development. Early this year, the initiative was expanded in breadth and depth as ‘Students in Medical and Health Sciences Education’ (SIMHSE) to health sciences programmes, providing an opportunity for all HKUMed students to contribute to the enhancement of the teaching and learning experience, especially with the increasing introduction of advanced educational technology to the curriculum. Starting in 2019, over 25 teaching and learning initiatives codeveloped by students and teachers were formally integrated into the curriculum, benefiting more than 2,000 learners per year. Currently, there are over 100 student co-designers and over 50 teachers actively partnering with 12 units of field experts and community partners to co-design the curriculum and pedagogy. Some of the project outcomes co-designed by student-teacher partners include: 為培養醫科生及早了解作為醫生 薪火相傳、傳承醫學知識的使命,朋 輩教學和啟導經常在醫科課程的臨床 前教育階段被引入。醫學院多年來積 極推行「師生共策教學」計劃,鼓勵醫 科生參與教學和課程發展,本年初此 計劃更擴展至所有醫療衞生科學課程 的學生。適逢學院引入更多嶄新教學 科技,所有學生都有機會在教學創新 和提升朋輩學習體驗等方面一展所長。 自2019年起,學院師生合作設 計超過25項教學活動和計劃,並已獲 正式納入課程,每年惠及逾2,000位 學生。目前共有超過100位學生、50 位教師及12個領域專家和社區合作夥 伴單位一同參與教學設計,部分成果 包括: FEATURE + 30