
People 人物 With deep sorrow, HKUMed reports the passing of Professor Lee Kin-hung, an Honorary University Fellow, Honorary Professor, celebrated physician, and a distinguished alumnus of HKUMed, on 22 June 2023. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Professor Lee pursued his medical education at HKUMed and graduated in 1958 with Distinction in Pharmacology before undertaking further postgraduate training in obstetrics and gynaecology in both Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Professor Lee's ground-breaking 1971 thesis, ‘The Use of Amnioscopy and Foetal Blood Sampling in the Diagnosis of Foetal Distress’, not only earned him an MD from HKU, but also established the procedure as the gold standard for diagnosing intrapartum foetal hypoxia. Professor Lee tirelessly dedicated his life to both medicine and higher education at his alma mater. He served as a Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from 1969 to 1975, and as an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor since 1998; and he also lent his support to the University as a whole, as a Member of the Standing Committee of HKU Convocation, and as a Member of the University's Court. Professor Lee inspired countless students, profoundly impacted millions through his published work, televised programmes, and community engagements. Professor Lee also served the community and the medical profession as the Senior Medical and Health Officer in the Hong Kong Government, on the Council of the Hong Kong Medical Association for more than 20 years, and a long-standing member of the Medical Council of Hong Kong. Professor Lee will be deeply missed and his legacy remembered. The Faculty extend our sincerest condolences to his family. 香港大學名譽大學院士、醫學院名譽教授、著名醫生 暨傑出校友李健鴻教授於2023年6月22日與世長辭, 醫學院仝寅深感哀痛。 李教授在本港出生與成長,1958年以藥理學優等成 績畢業於港大醫學院,隨後在本港和英國接受婦產科 培訓,於1971年發表有關羊膜鏡檢查和胎兒血液採 樣的論文,為診斷胎兒窘迫提出了創新的見解,確立 該程序作為診斷產程中胎兒缺氧的黃金標準,李教授 亦憑此論文取得醫學博士學位。 李教授畢生貢獻醫學界及其母校,孜孜不倦培育後進, 自1969年至1975年期間擔任婦產科高級講師,於 1998年起擔任名譽臨床助理教授,並以畢業生議會常 務委員會及校董會成員身分,支持母校發展。李教授 在推廣醫學教育方面影響深遠,不僅啟迪無數學生, 並透過出版書籍、參與電視節目和社區活動,向市民 講解醫學知識。李教授亦致力服務社區和醫療界,曾 任香港政府高級醫生、擔任香港醫學會多個重要崗位 逾20年,及服務香港醫務委員會多年。 李教授的貢獻將為人所銘記,醫學院仝寅將永遠懷念 他,並向其家屬致以深切慰問。 Professor Lee Kin-hung 李健鴻教授 Dr John Raymond Chan Tin-sui (MBBS 1964) passed away on 7 May 2023. 陳天瑞醫生於2023年5月7日離世。 Dr Todd S Ing (formerly named ‘Ng Siu Toa’) (MBBS 1957) passed away on 24 October 2023. 吳兆濤醫生於2023年10月24日離世。 Dr Lam Chor-hing (MBBS 1967) passed away on 22 July 2023. 林礎興醫生於2023年7月22日離世。 With deep sorrow, we mourn the passing of the following Faculty alumni: 學院仝寅對校友之離世深感哀悼: IN REMEMBRANCE永遠懷念 60