
Clinical Services Excellence Awards 2023 – Winners’ Sharing 2023年度臨床服務卓越獎 —— 得獎感言 ‘I was honoured and gratified to receive this prestigious award, which is an important validation to my dedication in pioneering robotic joint replacement surgery, and a reminder of the positive impact I have on patients’ lives. Excelling in clinical services entails the provision of patient-centric care, which involves aligning patient expectations with the best possible clinical outcomes; actively engaging in knowledge exchange and demonstrating good clinical practices to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement; training and empowering the medical community to deliver high-quality clinical care to patients worldwide, thereby increasing access to quality healthcare for all.’ 「獲獎令我深感榮幸,亦是對我在推動機械臂輔助關節置換手術所付出努力的認同,同時提醒我身為醫者, 肩負著提升病人生活質素方面的重要使命。 卓越的臨床服務必須以病人為本,盡可能使病人的期望與最佳的臨床結果一致;同時亦須積極推動知識 轉移,培養持續學習和改進的文化;此外可透過培訓,讓醫護人員掌握為世界各地病人提供優質臨床護理的能 力,使優質的醫療服務得以普及。」 ‘It was a very happy piece of news to receive the award. When I came on board as Chief of Breast Surgery Division, I had to build the team both clinically and academically from scratch. I am proud to have created a good team sharing the same vision and we launched many patient programmes together. Our journey to creating by now the largest breast surgery division within the Hospital Authority and effectiveness in multidisciplinary collaboration can set a good example on patient care for medical professionals now and future. Apart from treating diseases, we need to make sure patients are mentally looked after and give them the best possible quality of life during treatment. We should also try our best to provide the latest available treatments to patients supported by clinical data. Despite considerations when implementing services in public health sector, being an academic we can always try to take the academic route by collecting data to support the use of such services, to provide good evidence base for implementing them formally in clinical setting.’ 「我對獲獎感到十分欣喜,回想當初接任乳腺外科主任一職,一切由零開始,幾經努力終於成功建立一支 優秀的臨床和學術團隊,大家理想一致,共同推行了不少新的臨床服務,團隊的成就讓我深感自豪。我們在醫 院管理局體系內創立了至今規模最大的乳腺外科部門,加上跨學科的合作經驗,可供其他臨床團隊和未來的醫 療專業人員參考。 優質的臨床服務除了治病,亦應確保病人得到精神上的照顧,幫助他們維持最好的生活質素。醫者亦應 盡量為病人提供嶄新而經臨床實證的治療方案。儘管在公立醫院推行服務會有不同考量,但作為學者,可先循 學術研究途徑引入服務,同時收集數據以證明成效,使其得以順利推行,讓更多病人受惠。」 ‘Winning this award is a recognition of our impact and motivates us to continue advancing healthcare in the region. Effective teamwork and collaboration are key in delivering outstanding clinical services in the Greater Bay Area. Our team's deep understanding of the different regulations and practices enabled us to bridge gaps and provide high-quality care to patients. High-quality, patient-centered care guided by ethics and professionalism involves respecting the autonomy, dignity, and rights of patients. Effective communication between healthcare providers and patients ensures that patients understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and are actively involved in decision-making. Additionally, fostering a team approach among healthcare professionals promotes collaboration, enhances patient outcomes, and improves overall healthcare delivery.’ 「獲獎是對團隊工作成果的認可,亦驅使我們繼續提升區內的醫療服務質素。在大灣區提供卓越臨床服務, 關鍵在於優秀的團隊與高效的協作模式。我們的團隊對本港和内地有深入理解,使兩地醫護人員合作無間。 優質醫療服務應以病人為中心,需要尊重病人自主權、尊嚴和權利,並恪守醫療道德和專業精神。臨床 服務提供者與病人之間的有效溝通可確保病人了解他們的診斷與治療,並積極參與決策。此外,建立醫療專業 團隊可加强醫護人員之間的合作,從而提升治療效果,改善整體醫療服務。」 Dr Henry Fu Chun-him 傅俊謙醫生 Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院矯形及創傷外科學系臨床助理教授 Professor Ava Kwong 鄺靄慧教授 Clinical Professor Department of Surgery, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院外科學系臨床教授 Professor Yiu Kai-hang 姚啟恒教授 Clinical Professor Department of Medicine, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院內科學系臨床教授 52