
Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, provides an update to participants on the Faculty’s latest developments at a networking reception in London, the UK, in June this year. 醫學院院長劉澤星教授率領代表團於六月初訪問英國倫敦,與當地醫學界和校友會面, 並在聯誼活動上介紹學院的最新發展。 Tam Wing Fan Neuroimaging Research Laboratory Opening Ceremony 譚榮芬腦神經影像研究實驗室 開幕典禮 140 for 140: Great Minds for Grand Challenges – Global Recruitment and Alumni Reunion in Australia and the UK 「140 for 140」全球招聘計劃—— 澳洲及英國招聘暨校友活動 A generous gift from Mrs May Tam, the Tam Wing Fan Neuroimaging Research Laboratory was officially opened on 25 October 2023, equipped with state-of-the-art imaging facilities to advance research, expedite diagnosis and enhance patient care for neurological disorders. The Laboratory also aims to facilitate collaboration with renowned institutions worldwide, and promote awareness of brain and mental health conditions in the community. The Opening Ceremony was officiated by Mrs Tam, Donor of the Laboratory; Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice Chancellor of the University; Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine; Professor Richard Yu, Honorary Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine; Professor Kyongtae Bae, Chairperson and Clinical Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, School of Clinical Medicine; and Dr Gary Lau Kui-kai, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine and Director of the Laboratory. 承蒙譚麥美燕女士慷慨捐貲,譚榮芬腦神經影像研究 實驗室於2023年10月25日正式開幕。實驗室配備先進影 像設施,將有助推動有關腦神經病變的研究,加快診斷並 改善病人服務,同時促進國際間合作,並提升大眾對腦部 及精神健康的關注。 開幕儀式由善長譚麥美燕女士、港大校長張翔教授、 醫學院院長劉澤星教授、臨床醫學學院內科學系名譽臨床 教授余宇康教授、放射診斷學系系主任及臨床教授裴庚泰 教授,及內科學系副教授及實驗室總監劉巨基醫生主持。 To attract the best talent in medicine and healthcare to join the Faculty, HKUMed is continuing on the ‘140 for 140’ Global Recruitment Campaign. This year, in the months of May and June, delegation visits led by HKUMed Deanery met with alumni members and medical practitioners in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, as well as in London, the UK. More overseas visits are expected to take place in the future. 醫學院的 「140 for 140」全球招聘計劃正持續進行,今 年五月及六月,學院領導團隊前往澳洲墨爾本與悉尼,以及 英國倫敦,與當地校友及醫護專才會面,未來學院亦將舉辦 更多海外交流活動,期望為學院招攬更多優秀的人才。 37 HKUMed News Winter 2023