
‘Besides possessing sound medical knowledge and skills, a good doctor needs to have empathy and sympathy, based on a good understanding of human nature and behaviour [...] A strong passion to understand and serve others will be one of the key success factors in your future career.’ 「要成為一位好醫生,除了須具備優秀的臨床技巧, 更重要的是對人有同理心,願意去了解和服務他人, 擁有這份仁心和熱忱,將會是你們日後成功的要訣。」 ⸺ Professor Rosie Young 楊紫芝教授 Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Wong confers degree upon a graduand. 首席副校長王于漸教授為畢業生頒授學位。 27 HKUMed News Winter 2023