
‘The diploma that you are receiving today does not signify your exit from the medical school. Rather, it is a covenant between you and HKUMed that we are one big family and we will remain so wherever you may be and whatever you may be doing in the future.’ 「你們今天收到的文憑,並不代表告別; 反之,它是你和醫學院之間的盟約, 將來無論身在何方,所做何事, 你們永遠是醫學院大家庭的一分子。」 ⸺ Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine 院長劉澤星教授 The 210th Congregation 第210屆學位頒授典禮 Over 700 graduates received their degrees at the 210th Congregation, held on 15 July 2023 in the Grand Hall of the HKU Centennial Campus, celebrating their joy with families and friends. Professor Richard Wong Yue-chim, Provost and Deputy ViceChancellor, was the presiding officer and conferred degrees upon the graduands. Professor Rosie Young Tse-tse, former Dean of Medicine, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Clinical Professor, graced the occasion, delivering an inspiring speech as the Guest of Honour. In his State of the Faculty Address, Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, reflected on the Faculty’s achievements over the previous year, and highlighted its ‘People First’ initiative to support members of the HKUMed community. 第210屆學位頒授典禮於2023年7月15日在港大百周年校園大會堂舉行,逾 700名畢業生出席,與至親分享喜悅。 典禮由大學首席副校長王于漸教授主持,並為畢業生頒授學位。港大醫學院前院 長、榮休教授暨名譽臨床教授楊紫芝教授擔任特別嘉賓,致辭勉勵畢業生。 院長劉澤星教授發表《院況咨文》,回顧學院過去一年的成就,强調「以人為本」 的方針,指出學院會致力為各成員提供所需支持。 Read State of the Faculty Address 2023: 閱讀《2023年院況咨文》 (只供英文版): 26