
2000– FEATURE 2000 ✚ First in the world to use mycophenolate as first-line treatment for lupus nephritis, leading to its establishment as standard-of-care therapy recommended by international guidelines ✚ First oral formulation of arsenic trioxide tested in patients ✚ First deep brain stimulation implanted in a patient with Parkinson’s disease Establishment of the Phototherapy Unit to provide treatment for patients with eczema, psoriasis and other common dermatoses, as well as rare disease such as mycosis fungoides (a form of cutaneous lymphoma) ✚ 全球首次使用黴酚酸酯作為狼瘡性腎炎 的第一線治療藥物,使其成為國際指引 推薦的護理標準療法 ✚ 首宗三氧化二砷口服製劑患者測試 ✚ 首次為柏金遜症患者進行腦部深層刺激 治療 設立光學治療部,為濕疹、乾癬和其他 常見皮膚病以及蕈樣肉芽腫(皮膚淋巴瘤的 一種)等罕見疾病患者提供治療 2001 Establishment of Sleep Disorder Centre and Endobronchial Ultrasonography Service 成立睡眠失調中心及支氣管內超聲波檢查 服務 2003 ✚ First study to show the benefits of H. pylori eradication in preventing gastric cancer ✚ 首項研究顯示根除幽門螺旋桿菌對預防 胃癌的作用 2004 Collaboration with the Accident and Emergency Department for direct patient transfer to the Geriatric Unit of Grantham Hospital 與急診室合作,將合適的病人直接轉介至 葛量洪醫院老人科 2005 ✚ Pioneered Rheumatology Specialist Nurse Service in Hong Kong ✚ 成立本港首間風濕科專科護士診所 2008 Establishment of the Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation Research Laboratory 神經免疫學及神經發炎研究實驗室成立 2009 Accreditation as a designated clinical trial centre for Respiratory Medicine and Oncology under State Food and Drug Administration of Mainland China 獲國家食品監督藥物管理總局呼吸內科及 腫瘤科指定臨床試驗中心認證 2010 ✚ First to report the successful generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells in Hong Kong ✚ 率先報導成功培植人體誘導多功能 幹細胞 2012 Establishment of the Integrated Care and Discharge Support for Elderly Patients and Comprehensive Care Programme for the Elderly 推出離院長者綜合支援計劃及有關 綜合服務 2013 Establishment of the State Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (The University of Hong Kong) 生物醫藥技術國家重點實驗室成立 (香港大學) 24