
↓Professor Rosie Young, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Clinical Professor of Department of Medicine, SClinMed 臨床醫學學院內科學系 榮休教授和名譽臨床教 授楊紫芝教授 (photo by Dick Tse) A Community Resource Research endeavours work hand in hand with clinical services. In fact, it is in clinical care where the Department and Faculty have made the biggest impacts on people’s lives in Hong Kong. From its earliest days, the Department’s professors carried the highest standards of care into both the ward and the classroom. People like Professor McFadzean, Professor Todd and Professor Rosie Young Tse-tse established a rigorous culture that emphasises knowledgeable, professional and compassionate care for patients. They have been also at the forefront in pioneering specialist care in Hong Kong to meet changing health needs as living standards increased, and in bringing the latest medical science to Hong Kong. The Department began setting up specialist clinical centres from the 1970s, such as a diabetes centre, endoscopy service, a unit for end-stage kidney disease, diagnostic and treatment services for advanced lung cancer, immunology and rheumatology services, neurology services and so on. Nonetheless, more fundamental changes were needed at the city-wide level to deal with Hong Kong’s creaking hospital services and changing needs. In 1990 the Hospital Authority was founded and in 1995 the University Medical Unit and Government Medical Unit were merged, greatly enlarging the Department so that it not only had facilities and staff at QMH, but at three other local hospitals, overseeing more than 1,000 hospital beds and 75 outpatient clinics. Today, the Faculty as a whole has four affiliated teaching hospitals – QMH, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, and HKU-Shenzhen Hospital which opened in 2012. The structure of clinical care offered by the Department has 9 HKUMed News Winter 2023