
Donations 捐贈者名單 HK$1,000,000 or above 港幣一百萬元或以上 陳東博士、嗇色園、林栢勤先生、 關華先生、�俊康先生、�樹榮先生、 陳明耀先生、杜梓基先生 Aspiration Foundation Limited 願・慈善基金 Mr Au-yeung Kong* 歐陽江先生 Ms Cheng Pui Sze 鄭珮詩女士 Croucher Foundation 裘槎基金會 Croucher Foundation 裘槎基金會 Ms Hai Hiu Chu 奚曉珠女士 Lee Chi Keun Peter and Lee Benjamin Chi Ming 李志強先生及李志明先生 Lee Chi Keun Peter and Lee Benjamin Chi Ming 李志強先生及李志明先生 Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation 李嘉誠(加拿大)基金會 Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Limited �廷方慈善基金 Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation 信和集團和�廷方慈善基金 The establishment of Chan Tung and Friends Global Community of Health for All Scholarship Scheme The Aspiration Foundation Scholarships and Grant Scheme (4th instalment) LKS Faculty of Medicine LKS Faculty of Medicine Professor Sydney Tang Chi-wai's research work for the Croucher Senior Medical Research Fellowship Award (2nd instalment) The project ‘Discovery and Development of Innovative Antibody Drugs for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases’ undertaken by Professor Xu Aimin Lung cancer research activities undertaken by Dr James Ho Chung-man The establishment of research databases for clinical research under the Neurology Division undertaken by Professor Raymond Cheung Tak-fai Professor Tse Hung-fat’s clinical research in cardiology Clinical research projects on sleep apnea and providing imaging tests for patients with suspected lung cancer, undertaken by Professor Mary Ip Sau-man and the Division of Respiratory Medicine in Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine The project entitled ‘Procurement of Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) System for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Quality Control of Manufacturing Chimeric Antigen Receptor T (CART) cell and Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) in HKUMed Laboratory of Cellular Therapeutics’ undertaken by Professor Tse Hung-fat and Professor Eric Tse Wai-choi The launch of the two-year ‘Generations Connect’ Project that will engage Nursing students to provide community intervention and behavioural coaching, integrated with the concept of e-health literacy, to enhance the the physical, psychosocial and mental well-being of older adults amid the epidemic 成立「陳東友儕人類衛生健康共同體 獎學金計劃」 願慈善基金獎學金及資助計劃 (第四期捐款) 港大醫學院 港大醫學院 鄧智偉教授的研究工作(第二期捐款) 徐愛民教授的代謝及心血管疾病創新抗體 藥物之發現與研發 由何重文醫生領導的肺癌研究 張德輝教授建立腦神經科臨床研究數據庫 謝鴻發教授有關心臟科的臨床研究 由葉秀文教授及香港大學呼吸內科學系進 行睡眠窒息症臨床研究項目,及為疑似肺 癌患者提供影像檢測資助 由謝鴻發教授及謝偉財教授於香港大學 細胞治療實驗室「為製造嵌合抗原受體T (CART)細胞及間充質幹細胞(MSC)的良 好生產規範(GMP)品質控制採購流式細胞 螢光分選技術系統(FACS)」專案 為期兩年的「耆青連心樂融融計劃」,由護 理學院的學生為長者提供心理介入和行為 指導服務,並積極引入電子健康的概念, 助長者在生理、心理及社會適應等三方面 應對疫情及關顧自己的健康 THANK YOU!(as of 30 September 2022, except *) Donor 捐贈者 Use of donation/ Beneficiary 捐款用途/ 受惠部門或項目 61 HKUMed News Winter 2022