
People 人物 17-24/07/2022 Asian Medical Students’ Conference 2022 2022年亞洲醫學生大會 Delegates participated in the Asian Medical Student’s Conference (AMSC) 2022 in Seoul to connect with medical students from around the world and promote medical research. 2022年亞洲醫學生大會於首爾舉行,來自世界各地的醫科生彼此交流,推動醫學硏究。 23/07-23/08/2022 HKUMedify – HKUMed Institute for Youth HKUMedify 暑期體驗課程 HKUMed hosted a series of summer programmes under HKUMedify. Over 350 Secondary 4 and 5 students participated to learn more about Medicine & Surgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nursing and Chinese Medicine. Participants engaged with our teachers, researchers and current students, and had a glimpse into the life of medical students at HKUMed. 超過350位對醫護行業有興趣的中學生參加HKUMedify暑期課程,透過參與不同 醫學專科的課堂,了解醫護行業及體驗醫學院的學習生活。 06-08/2022 Volunteer Experience 義工體驗 Two biomedical students Lai Hok-lam and Marcus Wan Chun-tao undertook volunteer work to give back to the community. Hok-lam became a volunteer at an animal centre to look after abandoned animals, while Marcus joined the Health Ambassador Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association, to help raise public awareness of eating disorders through outreach events in local schools. 兩位生物醫學本科學生參與義務工作,回饋社會。他們分別在動物收容中心照顧被遺棄的 動物,以及擔任香港進食失調康復會的健康大使,協助提升社會對這問題的關注。 29/06-03/07/2022 IFMSA Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2022 2022年世界醫學生聯盟 (IFMSA) 亞太區域醫學生會議 AMSAHK members attended the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) 2022 of the IFMSA. 香港亞洲醫學生學生會(AMSAHK) 成員出席2022年世界醫學生聯盟 (IFMSA) 亞太區域 醫學生會議。 60