
People 人物 IN REMEMBRANCE永遠懷念 With profound sadness, HKUMed reports the passing of Professor Lee Tak-hong, Honorary Clinical Professor of the Department of Medicine (Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology) and renowned leader in the fields of asthma and allergy, on 26 August 2022. Professor Lee will always be remembered for his unparalleled commitment to the development of Immunology and Allergy in Hong Kong. After his return from the United Kingdom, Professor Lee had devoted his subsequent years to advance the development of allergy studies in Hong Kong. He had served as the Director of the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital Allergy Centre, while keeping close ties with HKUMed to foster allergy training for our students, as well as conducting collaborative research with the Department of Medicine. Professor Lee had inspired many of our students and worked tirelessly to train the next generation of allergists. He laid the foundation of subspecialty training of Immunology and Allergy in Hong Kong, and served as the main driving force to continually raising the standards of allergy care. Under Professor Lee’s visionary leadership, the entire subspecialty in Hong Kong has flourished and achieved international recognition. Professor Lee’s passion and dedication to the development of Immunology and Allergy will always be cherished. He will be deeply missed and fondly remembered. We extend our deepest condolences to his family. 內科學系(風濕及臨床免疫學部)名譽臨床 教授李德康教授於2022年8月26日逝世, 醫學院仝寅深感哀痛。 李教授對免疫及過敏病科貢獻良多。從英 國回港後,李教授積極推動香港過敏病科 的發展,曾擔任養和醫院過敏病科中心主 任,又與港大醫學院保持密切聯繫,促進 過敏病科的學生培訓,並與內科學系合作 進行研究。 李教授多年來孜孜不倦培育後晉,是眾多 醫學院學生的啓蒙老師,亦為香港奠定了 免疫及過敏病專科培訓的基礎,持續提升 其護理標準。在李教授富有遠見的領導 下,免疫及過敏病科在香港得以蓬勃發 展,並獲國際認可。 李教授畢生致力促進免疫及過敏病科的 發展,醫學院仝寅將永遠懷念他,並向 李教授家人致以深切慰問。 Professor Lee Tak-hong 李德康教授 Dr Chan Ka-moon (MBBS 1999) passed away on 23 August 2022. 陳家滿醫生於2022年8月23日逝世。 Dr Henry Loo Wing-hing (MBBS 1963) passed away on 25 April 2022. 盧永興醫生於2022年4月25日逝世。 With deep sorrow, we mourn the passing of the following Faculty alumni: 學院仝寅對校友之離世深感哀悼: 56