
‘Medicine is the basis to support the healthcare industry.’ – Professor Qiao Jie 「醫學是支撐生命健康產業的基礎性手段。」⸺ 喬杰教授 Panelists Professor Xu Ming, Vice Dean of Peking University Graduate School; Professor Tse Hung-fat, Chairperson of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine and Dr Joshua Ho, Associate Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences, participated in the panel discussion moderated by Professor Chak-sing Lau. 北京大學硏究生院副院長徐明教授、港大醫學院臨床醫學學院內科 學系系主任謝鴻發教授、港大醫學院生物醫學學院副教授何永基博 士參與由劉澤星教授主持的小組討論。 Endowed Professorships are significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics in HKU, in support of their academic and research activities in designated areas. A total of 119 Endowed Professorships have been established in HKU since 2005, among which 62 were under HKUMed, reinforcing research excellence in the medical field. A Grand Union of Endowed Professorship was held on 13 June 2022 among donors and endowed professors at HKUMed Campus, to keep donors abreast of the development of HKUMed, the academic achievements of the Endowed Professors, and to express the Faculty’s appreciation for the donors’ support. 「明德教授席」是港大授予校內學者的崇高榮譽,以支持指定學術範疇的教硏工 作。自2005年成立至今,港大共設立119項「明德教授席」,當中港大醫學院佔62席, 推進醫學領域的卓越研究。 「明德教授席」捐贈者和教授於2022年6月13日在港大醫學院聚首,讓捐贈者 了解醫學院的發展及教授的學術成果,並表達醫學院對捐贈者的感謝。 The Thanksgiving Dinner held on 24 October 2022 marked HKUMed’s 135th anniversary and was the largest in a series of events celebrating the Faculty’s major milestone. HKUMed academics, students, patients and supporters came together in late October to celebrate the Faculty’s achievements over the past 135 years and to acknowledge the generous support of the local community. The Dinner followed the Festschrift & Valedictory Lecture – ‘Yours Ever’ delivered by Professor Gabriel Leung, former Dean of Medicine, following his 23 years of stellar service at the University of Hong Kong. In his lecture, Professor Leung thanked the comrades, colleagues and friends at HKUMed who supported him during his career at the Faculty. 2022年10月24日舉行的感恩晚宴「築夢杏林夜」是 醫學院135周年院慶活動中最具規模的一次。醫學院的師生、 病友和捐贈者聚首一堂,慶祝學院在過去135年取得的成就, 並感謝社會各界的慷慨支持。 晚宴前,醫學院舉辦由前任醫學院院長梁卓偉教授主講的 「耑肅奉稟」講座。梁教授感謝港大醫學院同儕在他服務港大的 23年期間所給予的支持。 43 HKUMed News Winter 2022