
‘We, not I alone but very much including you, our entire family of students, alumni and staff, have remade HKUMed during the past decade. We have moulded it into the institution we are so, so proud of in our 135th birth year.’ 「我們,不只是我一人,還包括你們, 所有同學、校友和教職員,在過去十年裡 重塑了港大醫學院,在醫學院的135周年, 把它塑造成讓我們自豪的醫學院。」 Professor Rosie Young, former Dean of Medicine and Emeritus Professor, presenting souvenir to Professor Lai Ching-lung, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine of HKUMed 醫學院前院長、榮休教授楊紫芝教授致送紀念品予臨床醫學學院 內科學系榮休教授暨名譽臨床教授黎青龍教授 Professor Lo Chung-mau, Chin Lan Hong Professor and Chair of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, presenting souvenir to Professor Karen Lam Siu-ling, Rosie TT Young Chair in Endocrinology & Metabolism and Chair Professor in Medicine 秦蘭鳳基金教授(肝膽胰外科)盧寵茂教授致送紀念品予楊紫芝基金 教授(內分泌及代謝學)林小玲教授 ‘Training the next generation of doctors, healthcare workers and researchers has been, and remains, our number one priority.’ 「培訓下一代醫生、醫護人員和研究人員 一直是我們的首要任務。」 41 HKUMed News Winter 2022