
Art x Medicine 醫學與數碼藝術交融 In commemoration of the 135th Anniversary of HKUMed, two exhibitions were launched at HKUMed campus in July 2022, namely the collection of HKUMed Deans’ Portraits, and the digital art exhibition Medicine and Healthcare through the Lens of Digital Art, both commissioned by Mr Anthony Cheung. To acknowledge the important contributions of our former Deans of Medicine, a collection of portraits was created and permanently exhibited at Faculty Administration Wing, tracking HKUMed’s evolution from a small medical college to its current position as one of the world’s top medical schools and home to leading researchers. The collection features 31 oil paintings by Brendan Fitzpatrick, a Hong Kong-based artist. 作為港大醫學院135周年院慶 的一部分,承蒙鍾棋偉先生捐貲, 港大醫學院校園正展出《院長薈》肖 像畫系列及《醫光研影2022:醫學 數位藝術展》。 《院長薈》油畫系列表揚歷任院 長的貢獻,帶領醫學院發展至今,在 醫學教硏方面取得全球領導地位。共 31幅肖像畫由藝術家費博東全新創 作,在醫學院行政樓永久展出。 Former Deans of Medicine from left: Professor John Leong, Professor Felice Lieh-Mak, Professor SP Chow, Professor Grace Tang, Professor Raymond Liang, Professor Gabriel Leung, and Professor Rosie Young, toured around the portrait collection displayed over the grand staircase in the Faculty Administration Wing. 港大醫學院歷任院長(左起):梁智仁教授、麥列菲菲教授、周肇平教授、鄧惠瓊教授、 梁憲孫教授、梁卓偉教授及楊紫芝教授聚首醫學院行政樓觀賞《院長薈》油畫系列。 More about the creative process: 創作過程: 2