
medical devices and informatics. He is also a painter who loves hiking and working out. Possessing a wealth of expertise and experience in multiple disciplines and different countries, Professor Bae is keen to change for the better. ‘Since I came on board, I have been trying to understand what I can contribute, looking into and comparing with my experience in the US and Korea, to see what’s lacking in Hong Kong,’ said Professor Bae. ‘I was told that local patients have to wait for two years to get MRI in a public hospital. I’m trying to see what I can do to increase public access to imaging. We need to improve our image access and services.’ Determined to resolve the situation that ‘there is free food, but the line is too long’, Professor Bae is looking into expanding the service capacity in terms of human resources and technology. ‘In Hong Kong, we have the system and equipment available, but not enough staff to provide access. In the US and Korea, radiology imaging service is available throughout days and nights. We can try, if we have manpower to provide that extended imaging service,’ said Professor Bae. The plan to gear up clinical imaging services also aligns with HKUMed’s expansion plans, including redevelopment of the Grantham Hospital. ‘At this point in Grantham [Hospital], we are anticipating a new CT and two MRI scanners, which will almost double our capacity, in addition to a very powerful, advanced preclinical MRI scanner. We will boost our capacity in terms of hardware, but also we need to improve our manpower.’ Tapping with his business acumen, Professor Bae embeds the concept of customer service into clinical care. ‘Once we have [the desired capacity], whenever patients need the scan, we can do it, even at very inconvenient times, say three o’clock in the morning.’ Revolutionary as he seems, Professor Bae is pragmatic in making changes. ‘There is no paradise, and we have our unique set of problems here. Unlike the US, a large country where most people have a strong sense of individual freedom, making it hard to agree to something, Hong Kong is rather small and very congenial. We talk to each other and come up with a consensus,’ remarked Professor Bae. ‘There are many things we need to change. But changing could be stressful and people may not like it. I would sit down and talk to them why it is important, and bring them together as a team. I’m trying to improve communication and make a little difference every day. We need to take responsibility, be accountable and move forward.’ Changing for Good For 135 years and counting, HKUMed has never been shy from making changes for good. The most recent initiative came in July 2022 when the Critical Care Medicine Unit (CCMU) was founded, to drive medical research, teaching and training in Hong Kong and beyond. Dr Simon Sin Wai-ching, Director of CCMU, is pleased that critical care is now recognised as a unique specialty. ‘Due to various historical reasons, critical care doctors were often trained under medicine or anaesthesiology, which allowed them to complement each other in ↑A highly selfdisciplined multipotentialite, Professor Kyongtae Bae never lets a moment wasted. He maintains physical training while working in the office. 裴庚泰教授高度自律, 並具多重潛能,從不 浪費一分一秒。圖為裴 教授於辦公室一邊工作 一邊鍛鍊。 FEATURE + 26