
With the support of donors and the Faculty, the HKU Eye Centre set up by the Department of Ophthalmology, School of Clinical Medicine was officially open on 4 July 2022. As a state-of-the-art ophthalmic centre, the mission of the HKU Eye Centre is to conduct cutting edge clinical and translational research in ophthalmology, to deliver professional and patient-centred ophthalmic care, and to provide high quality clinical training to HKUMed students. 在捐贈者及醫學院的鼎力支持下,由臨床醫 學學院眼科學系成立的「香港大學眼科中心」 於2022年7月4日正式開幕,中心將致力為 眼科患者提供專業、全面,以患者為本的治 療和護理;促進眼科和視覺科學的臨床科研 和轉化科研;並為醫科學生提供優質的臨床 培訓。 The School of Chinese Medicine houses a specimen lab featuring hundreds of samples which allows students to familiarise themselves with the plants used in Chinese medicine. The School also runs an out-patient clinic providing a wealth of treatment rooms and easier access for patients. 中醫藥學院設有中藥標本室,陳列數百個中藥樣本供學生熟悉各種 中醫藥。中醫診所設有多個治療室,提供門診服務。 The School of Nursing provides students with an improved nursing clinical skills laboratory featuring adult, child, and baby high-fidelity simulators that can replicate real-world situations such as cardiac arrest. 護理學院的臨床實驗室設有成人、兒童和嬰兒高逼真度模擬病人, 可以模擬心臟停頓等真實情況。 23 HKUMed News Winter 2022