
The opening of HKUMed Academic Building at 3 Sassoon Road marked a milestone in HKUMed’s expansion plan to raise its capacity and capability in medical professional training. The nine-storey building provides 10,000 square metres of space, housing state-of-the-science teaching facilities for the School of Nursing and the School of Chinese Medicine. 沙宣道三號的啟用是港大醫學院擴展計劃的重要里程碑,新大樓共九層高,佔地 10,000 平方米,為護理學院和中醫學院提供最先進的教學設施,以提升專業醫 學培訓質素。 Alongside lecture theatres and collaborative study spaces, the building is well-equipped with the latest technology ranging from virtual reality to robotics to enhance teaching and learning. 新大樓設有演講廳和學習空間,亦配備最新 教學科技,如虛擬實境和機械人等設備,讓 學生可享有更豐富的學習體驗。 The Opening of 3 Sassoon Road and HKU Eye Centre 沙宣道三號及香港大學眼科中心開幕 22