HKU_vol23_issue 2_ebook_amended

Media Highlights The Faculty keeps the Hong Kong community informed of the latest developments in health-related issues, and encourages a healthy lifestyle, contributing to TV and radio programmes, such as 《精靈一點》、《醫生與 你》、《自在八點半》 (Radio Television Hong Kong) 、 The Pearl Report 、《新聞透視》、《星期日檔案》、《醫療專題》、  《最強生命線》、《癌症系列》、《 X 偏方 全民拆解》 (Television Broadcasts Limited, TVB), 《至 FIT 男女》 (Cable TV), 《杏 林在線》 (Now). We contribute regular health columns in local newspapers including the Oriental Daily News 《東方日 報醫健寶庫系列》 (Saturdays) and am730 《香港大學李嘉誠 醫學院認識藥理學系列》、《香港大學李嘉誠醫學院認識藥劑 學系列》、《香港大學李嘉誠醫學院微生物與健康系列》、《香 港大學李嘉誠醫學院外科系列》 (Mondays). The Faculty also lined up interviews with colleagues for their comments and expertise on mental health, cerebral palsy, atrial fibrillation, lupus erythematosus and other health-related issues. The Faculty provided media consultancy and assistance to students in organising the “Drug Usage Information Day – Cold versus Flu” campaign. The event attracted positive media coverage. * Please visit our Knowledge Exchange − Engaging the Community section and About the Faculty − Dean’s Corner at to find out more. Recent Faculty press events include: March 2018 HKU School of Public Health leads the first comprehensive study of MERS coronaviruses in Africa 港大公共衞生學院領導首個非洲中東呼 吸綜合症 (MERS) 冠狀病毒的全面研究 June 2018 HKU School of Public Health and Department of Pathology use new therapeutic strategy to improve the treatment of MERS 港大公共衞生學院聯同病理學系利用 「人類呼吸道外植體培養技術」改善治療 中東呼吸綜合症 (MERS) May 2018 HKU finds that osteoporosis drug is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular events in patients with hip fracture 港大研究發現髖骨骨折病人服用骨質疏 鬆藥物,可減低患心血管疾病的風險 HKU Youth Quitline Smoking Cessation Hotline helps youths quit smoking, reduce risk behaviours and promote physical and psychological health 港大青少年戒煙熱線助青少年戒煙,減 少風險行為及促進生理及心理健康 HKU and Imperial College London co-developed novel techniques for three- dimensional visualisation of microscopic structures in the human brain 香港大學和倫敦帝國學院共同開發人類 大腦組織三維顯微造影新技術 April 2018 HKU discovers the application of human induced pluripotent stem cells in precision medicine for hereditary diseases 港大發現應用人工誘導幹細胞有助精準 醫學治療各種罕見遺傳病 HKU and North District Hospital identify long-term Ketamine abuse damages the biliary system, damage reversible after quitting Ketamine 香港大學和北區醫院聯合研究長期濫用 氯 胺 酮 (K仔)損害膽道系統,停止濫用後 膽道回復正常 HKU AIDS Institute invents universal antibody drug for HIV-1 prevention and immunotherapy 港大愛滋病研究所成功研發用於愛滋病 預防和免疫治療的創新型廣譜抗體藥物 6 5 31 14 18 25 26 21 Media Highlights 50